Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Well I guess we don’t agree WB. The deaths and violence with the pro-trump riot at the capitol is a difference no matter how many times you call bs. It’s true I’ve never cared for Trump even when he was a democrat. He has always been an awful person. You on the other hand fell in love with him as his power in the gop grew.

I'm not "in love" with Trump. I support his agenda for rebuilding the economy, sovereignty and constitutional freedoms that have eroded over the last 30 years, particularly in the 8 years leading up to 2016. As I've said before, Trump's agenda is basically what Pat Buchanan has been advocating for 30 years.
While I voted for Trump in Nov 2016, I wasn't sure he could actually do what he promised. And I was awed, as were tens of millions of other supporters, at how effectively he governed, even despite the chaos and destruction unleashed on him by the Democrat/Left, and by his own DOJ, FBI and CIA by a rogue cabal.

The evidence from Jan 6th does not support your partisan hatred of Trump.
1) The violence was planned up to a month before Trump ever spoke that day, as confirmed by records of the NYPD, FBI and DHS.
2) The violence began 31 minutes before Trump finished speaking, and 76 minutes (31 minutes plus 45 minutes walking time) before anyone could have been watching any part of Trump's speech and walked from the White House where Trump was, to the Capitol building when the violence began.
3) There was absolutely nothing in in Trump's Jan 6th speech that "incited" violence.
He said: "In a few minutes you're going to walk over to the Capitol to PEACEFULLY and patriotically voice your support for your Senators...."
If there was ANYTHING said by Trump that Democrats could quote to fit their "inciting" false narrative, they would have quoted it by now. Democrats and social media are trying to purge all video of Trump's speech, to prevent people for hearing themselves that Trump said nothing wrong.

The riots were not caused by Trump, absolute proven fact.

And Trump is not an "awful person". There have been many news reports about Trump's generosity to people he has crossed paths with, and even people he never met, that he just read about in the news, who he felt deserved a greater reward, or who were in in dire circumstances and needed help. In another topic, I cited a few examples in another topic about Trump's generosity.
While sometimes his generosity is covered by the press, he often does so with no one knowing he even did it, clearly not done for publicity.

I'm not aware of any president except for Trump who would not take a salary, and as he was paid in quarterly installments, he would give his earnings for that period as charitable donations, often to the Veterans' Administration.

Most recently, Trump, even after leaving the White House, opened his hotel to soldiers assigned to guard Biden's inauguration, who were left to sleep on a concrete parking garage floor in 37-degree cold. Many of whom contracted Covid-19 while assigned there, because of the bad conditions Biden, Pelosi and the Democrats heartlessly left them in, as discarded props for their police-state show of overwhelming force to the American people. In contrast, Trump gave these soldiers the finest accomodations at one of his hotels.

Originally Posted by M E M
Peaceful protesters are okay if they’re for trump trying to steal the election. Peaceful protesters against police brutality however was a different story.

No, more of your convoluted lies. Over 100,000 people peacefully protested in support of Trump *OUTSIDE* the Capitol that day, only about 50 were involved in violence (and a number of them were not actual Trump supporters, but were in fact ARRESTED AND IDENTIFIED BY THE FBI as Antifa, infiltrating and doing damage to frame Trump supporters, and ACTUALLY trying to incite the dimmer bulbs among Trump supporters to follow them into violence and destruction. There were about 280 persons investigated and identified by video inside the Capitol building on Jan 6th, but the overwhelming majority of them charged only with things like "criminal trespass" or "violating curfew", NOT for violence.

ONLY YOU have said that they didn't do anything wrong. They are an anomalous embarrassment to every Trump supporter I know. And in my case, I think they were overwhelmingly not actual Trump supporters, and (confirmed by FBI) were actually Antifa or other right-wing militias who came there with their own agenda.
NOT actual Trump supporters.
I said of myself, if I were there, I would never have gone inside the Capitol, not even peacefully, and certainly would not have participated in violence, and would have walked away and called 911 to report it if I saw it.
I never said that those who participated in violence, theft and vandalism should not be punished. They absolutely should be.

ONLY YOU have rationalized the violence of YOUR SIDE as being somehow justified, and you just did that above, rationalizing the violent Democrat attackers of the Wisconsin Capitol.

And your rationalization of violence by the Black Lives Matter protestors.

Who by the way both were far more violent and did infinitely more damage than was done at the Capitol on Jan 6th. On Jan 6th, a few people (some of them IDENTIFIED by FBI as Antifa, and as right-wing militia Oath Keepers, and BLM-connected Boogaloos) smashed some glass doors and windows, clashed with police in riot gear.
The only confirmed murder was Ashli Babbit, who was shot dead BY POLICE, not by Trump supporters.
And Officer Sicknick was hit over the head with a fire extinguisher and died hours later at a hospital. Whether by Antifa or a Trump supporter, his killer remains unidentified. Suspiciously unidentified, considering there is video of when the extinguisher was thrown. If it were truly a Trump supporter, I think there would be a greater eagerness by FBI to identify and arrest him. And as I said, the remaining violence that day doesn't rise to the level of your average Black Lives Matter protest.
I actually just came across this news story, that Brian Sicknick, after being witnessed by other officers being struck on the head with an extinguisher, continued fighting off rioters, and ONLY HOURS LATER COLLAPSED AND LOST CONSCIOUSNESS, that it is not even certain that the extinguisher caused his injury. Also interesting that Sicknick was a Trump supporter. And his family's request that Sicknick's death not be politicized, well.... we can forget about the Democrat/Left honoring that request. "Trump got a police officer killed" is your own talking point, M E M.

In your native Minneapolis, BLM looted and burned whole blocks, PERMANENTLY destroyed over 500 businesses, and destroyed the jobs of people employed in them. In just that one city, of hundreds of cities BLM destroyed. By comparison, the uncivility at the Capitol on Jan 6th was eliminated quickly, and within 4 hours the joint session of Congress came back in an unscathed chamber and finished confirming the electoral vote. Employees and business owners in Minneapolis alone have permanently lost over 500 workplaces, that are never coming back.
And BLM unleashed the same destruction across about 300 cities nationwide. And countless other much smaller towns, that these BLM maniacs rolled through like the Red Army, but too small to make the news.

Originally Posted by M E M
At one point you were comparing the violent trumpers with the revolution in 76.

No, I was specifically talking about the Oath Keepers, a right-wing militia with a history of violence, many of them former military special forces and officers, one of them a Lieutenant Colonel. I asked hypothetically why such men would participate in a violent attack like this on the Capitol building, people who spent their careers risking their lives for their country, and asked you to reflect on why they would do that.

I said that the Declaration was drafted in 1776 by people who wrote to King James III with a list of grievances that had been ignored for years, that Britain had ceased to represent or protect the people of the 13 colonies, and that they had rightly severed their loyalty to the king, and had formed a new nation. I asked you to reflect on when such an armed rebellion was justified, at what point a tyrannical abuse of power and lack of representation would justify such an uprising.


Originally Posted by Wonder Boy, Jan 17 2021
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Most of the protesters for BLM didn’t burn and loot though WB. Nor did any of our democratic leaders call the arsonists and looters special people that they loved like Trump did with the mob he incited. He lost a fair election and because he’s willing to lie and try every way he can to overturn the election several people died including 2 officers. Our symbol of democracy vandalized for the world to see. Now there is intelligence that all 50 capitals could be under attack by pro-trump terrorists as well as the inauguration. The elected officials that had to scramble for their lives now have to worry more than ever about their lives.

You are again twisting Trump's words to tailor it to fit your lying narrative.
Trump addressed his supporters, and advised them not to "play into the hands" of those orchestrating the violence. He was speaking to the OVER 100,000 peacefully demonstrating outside, and the 75 million watching nationwide, also betrayed and angry. Not to the 35 or 40 or so out of that 100,000 engaging in violence. And even appealing to the violent ones who support him to stop.

And you have a short memory. During the BLM protests over many months, Pelosi, Biden, Warren, ANY of the 25 Democrat primary candidates, not one of them condemned the violence, and many passively or directly endorsed it as some "justified" backlash at a racist white supremacist system. Which only encouraged more of it.
Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon nightly on CNN rationalized it.
"Who ever said protests are supposed to be polite and peaceful?" Cuomo famously rationalized. Well... THE CONSTITUTION, actually, Chris.

These BLM /Antifa rioters were and are the Democrats' equivalent nazi-brownshirt thugs that intimidated away opposition to their political agenda, and Democrat Senators, House members, presidential primary candidates, or even former presidents or Democrat strategists, NEVER voiced criticism of the BLM violence. Partly because these democrat leaders were intimidated by BLM as well, and didn't want the violence re-directed at them for getting in the way. Or to reject any of them politically, and rally behind their Democrat rivals.

I will acknowledge this video, that shows a number of former highly-trained military who were among the protesters.

21 US Military Veterans Identified in Capitol Assault

But contrary to the narrative that they are traitors who used their training to betray their own country, I would argue that they are patriots who saw a marxist insurrection take over our government in the rigged Biden election, and used their training in a poorly thought out attempt to reverse an unfair election, to defend the republic. But the Left-aligned media and Democrat leadership just uses their actions to make the rest of us look bad, and they should have seen that would be the result and never done it. One of them cited in the clip is a Lieutenant Colonel, many of them longtime soldiers decorated for their bravery, with special forces training. As was Ashli Babbitt.

You might ask yourself, M E M, why people this committed during their lives to fighting for this country, who clearly had position and a great deal to lose, would risk it in a move like this. These are very serious and highly trained people, Special Forces, decorated veterans. They saw an outrageous election coup, and an existential threat to the country they spent their lives fighting for. These are not defiant pranksters and iconoclasts and contemptuous malcontents like BLM vandal Jon Sullivan, or the stay-at-home blogger dad who stole Nancy Pelosi's podium, or the 63 year old guy who posed for a photo with his feet up on Pelosi's desk. None of these individuals or the more serious veterans had the same ideology or motive for being there.

As this unfolds, I'm struck by the wide spectrum of motives for the people who were in the Capitol raid that day. While some profess to be Trump supporters, and some are false-flag Leftists just pretending to be Trump supporters to smear them, you definitely can't blame this on Trump's 12-noon speech. The planning of this raid, and the ideology behind it, doesn't fit into a nice neat "Orange Man Bad" category, and the timing of it doesn't coincide with Trump's speech. It precedes it, in both planning and execution. For the military guys, it was the election rigging, and not just the one November 3rd event, but that just apparently was a last straw that stirred them into action.

While I acknowledge they are decorated veterans and patriots for their military service, and clearly highly trained, patriotic and serious men, I clearly **ALSO** condemned what they did on Jan 6th as a bad decision, that has reflected badly on the millions of Trump supporters who would never do what they did. And that they should have known this in advance, and never done it.

Originally Posted by M E M
The video Trump ended up finally putting out on Jan 6th that you call heartfelt was 1 of 3 that aides found the most palatable. He told those people “we love you. You’re very special.” I think you know those words to those people were disgusting.

Telling over 100,000 people PEACEFULLY protesting in support of him (and 74.3 million watching at home) is "disgusting"?!?

YOU'RE disgusting, M E M, in your blind hatred.

Originally Posted by M E M
After watching this group build a makeshift gallows, attack and vandalize the press and equipment, beating and assaulting our officers that resulted in one dying from his injuries, stealing equipment smashing windows and doors, chants of “hang pence” and other planned hunts for our elected officials Trump tells them we love them and that they are special.

You are lying again. Trump was expressing support for his TRUE supporters, not the Antifa hiding among them, or the right-wing militias there in pursuit of their own agenda THAT WAS PLANNED A MONTH IN ADVANCE, completely independent of the Trump rally, using the protests as cover for their own completely separate mission.

You keep trying to conflate the two, and you keep trying to blame Trump for things that clearly aren't true to the facts. Trump expressed appreciation for those who peacefully protested on his behalf, saying he understood their frustration. But he said in light of events, it was time to go home, there was no more to be accomplished by continuing the peaceful protests. And that (as you are doing EXACTLY) our enemies would conflate even continued PEACEFUL protests as somehow an endorsement of the proportionately small amount of violence in the Capitol. Relative to the massive outside PEACEFUL protests.

Many who were even 100 feet away, both reporters and PEACEFUL Trump supporters, said they had no idea there was violence just a short distance away from them.

Originally Posted by M E M
I can’t verbalize my level of disgust for a violent mob being told that they are loved and special by that unfit pos. Your party is now in the process of getting rid of solid conservatives like Cheney because it’s now all about trump and preserving his power. He is your big brother.

I can't verbalize my disgust FOR YOU, M E M, and how you try to twist this into propaganda to rationalize your hatred of Trump.

Trump said he loved his supporters, period. He didn't endorse violence or guillotines, or comments about hanging Pence. He only expressed appreciation for his supporters, appreciation that they desperately needed, to give closure to an unfair election, that still remains unfair, un-audited and corrupt, with no hearing of our grievances. They needed to be heard and respected, as no one else was, and Trump gave them that.
That is absolutely NOT the same thing as Trump extending that statement of love to include the worst players that day (many of whom were clearly NOT Trump supporters). But if it made rioters go home and stop what they were doing, what is the wrong in that?

And Trump is not a "pos". Every time you say that, you prove that YOU are an unhinged piece of shit, with a partisan far-left Bolshevik agenda to slander Trump and everyone who shares support of the issues Trump advocates. Of a sovereign and restored United States, securing our borders, deporting illegals, restoring the rule of law, de-regulation, a strong economy, an energy-independent U.S.
As our nation was before the Nancy Pelosis, the Joe Bidens and the Liz Ceneys hijacked it, weaponizing intelligence and law enforcement agencies against its own people instead of outside threats, as in the examples of the IRS/Lois Lerner, the FBI, DOJ, FISA court, State Department and CIA, all weaponized by the Democrats and turned inward at the American people, to consolidate Democrat authoritarian power.

For you as a radical Leftist to endorse Liz Cheney as a "solid conservative" is laughable.
You have no interest in a "solid conservative" Republican party !
You side with any Republican who undermines the strength of the Republican party and assures a victory for your Democrat-Bolshevik party .

Liz Cheney slandered President Trump and adopted the lying Democrat narrative about Trump inciting riots on Jan 6th, and did so ONLY to advance her power within the GOP and leverage Trump further out of the party. But that backfired and destroyed her political career in a second, because GOP voters' loyalty is with Donald Trump, and close to 100% of all Republicans see Trump as the strongest leader the GOP has had since at least Ronald Reagan, and amid a sea of self-serving elitist sellouts like Liz Cheney, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Lisa Murkowski and Mitch McConnell, that Trump is the only one of them serious about fighting for the issues they care about, restoring this country and not making it a vassal of the Chinese, the Globalists and the Bolshevik Left.

And Trump in four years as president has already proven he can lead this country better than anyone, overseeing the most accomplishments and best economy in over 50 years in his first term, the most accomplisshments of any president of my lifetime. I hope Trump becomes another Grover Cleveland, re-elected to a non-consecutive second term in 2024.

I know that is what your party is terrified of, and that is why your vicious party is trying to destroy him by every deceitful means and abbuse of power, even after Trump has peacefully left office.
That he restored the nation in less than 4 years, and can do so again, after Biden has further destroyed it.

And you are apparently blind to how this country was transformed into a police state the moment Trump conceded the election on January 6th. Far from the Democrat party standing down and celebrating their win on Jan 6th, they have gone into a complete lockdown against all dissenting thought, and turned Washington DC into an armed camp guarded by soldiers behind razor-wire, akin to East Berlin or a Kim Jong Un national ceremony, or Bashar Asaad, or Xi Jinping.

You should be alarmed at the authoritarian over-reach of your party, in just the last 25 days or so.
It is truly Stalinist.
And I think your Bolshevik party is positioning itself for an even greater coup. But being the loyal Bolshevik you are, you of course have no problem with this.