Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
I think you give yourself away with the whole “Bolshevik” partisan crap. Likewise Trump having a summit on media platforms that excluded Google and others. Instead it was conservatives like Diamond & Silk. Or trying to change the rules because Twitter had the audacity to start labeling his lies correctly.

No, it's just accurate.

The tactics your party uses perfectly mirror the propaganda tactics of disinformation, slander, intimidation and violence used by Soviet Russia, Communist China, Castro's Cuba and other communist regimes, that by the oddest coincidence the Clintons, the Obamas and the people who served in their White Houses OPENLY QUOTED WHILE THEY SERVED IN THOSE DEMOCRAT WHITE HOUSES. They praise and quote marxist tyrants affectionately, and openly emulate their authoritarian tactics from their positions of power.

Bill and Hillary Clinton, Anita Dunn, Van Jones, Ron Bloom... I've posted the videos of them quoting and praising Marxists many times.

Bernie Sanders and his acolytes as well. It's not "partisan crap", it's absolute fact. Would you like me to post them again?

And ask the New York Post about whether Twitter has started "labelling lies" correctly.
NO !
Twitter was suppressing accurate information, just so their corrupt Democrat-Bolshevik candidate could win.

Twitter suppresses any conservative speech as "hate speech" or as potentially violent, takes down Trump's account for ridiculous partisan reasons. And then they leave up Iran's Ayatollah denying the existence of concentration camps and the Holocaust, and leading a genocidal call for Israel's annihilation.

Twitter takes down Trump's account for "possibly" inciting violence, while leaving up China's accounts where they openly boast about their policy of putting up to 3 million Uyghurs in Nazi-like concentration camps (i.e., "re-education centers", the same kind of re-education centers that Democrat leaders, New York Times reporters and columnists, Bernie Sanders supporters, and Twitter and Google executives --as recorded on videos by Project Veritas-- openly fantasize about putting Republicans in). Concentration camps where Uyghurs are beaten, used as forced labor, raped, killed and had their organs harvested, and the women are given forced sterilization. And on Twitter, Chinese officials openly boast that they are "liberating" these women, by freeing them from being baby machines. To do forced labor, no doubt. These Chinese accounts are left up, but Trump is "too dangerous" to be allowed to post.

Twitter takes down tens of thousands of conservative accounts, again for "extremist rhetoric" or less specific "violation of user agreement", but allows Antifa and Black Lives Matter to organize their riots and intimidation on their site.

If you cannot see what I'm saying is absolute fact, it is because you are willfully immune to the facts in front of you.