

I was looking at this site, Muutaa.net , which has the most detailed checklist of Corben's work you're likely to find, and on the INTERVIEWS tab, if you scroll down year by year in the reverse chronology list to 1981, there is a video of Corben interviewed in 1984, so you can see what he looked like when he was young and in his prime at age 44, and hear him say a few words (interrupted by narration in spanish by a Barcelona reporter).

There's links to several other Corben features after it ends, including a 1969 Corben mixed live-action and animated version of Neverwhere.

The thin nerdy artist guy in the 1969 version looks to be a 29 year old Richard Corben. According to the end credits, his wife appears in the film too, not sure if she's the girl in the opening scene or the voice of the animated girl.
(Credits for Neverwhere, such as they are, on IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0282792/?ref_=nm_flmg_dr_3 )

The more famous later animated version is in the 1981 Heavy Metal movie, with Den's voice done in the latter film by John Candy !