Originally Posted by iggy
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
You understand what Babbit was doing beyond just climbing through a window WB? If this was a lefty mob doing the same thing I would want our democracy protected regardless. She was part of a violent mob fighting against democracy. I do feel bad that she fed on Trump’s lies and hope that there is justice for the blood on that pos hands.

No, she just climbed through a window, while BLM thug John Sullivan (pretending to be a Trump supporter) screamed "come on, come on, let's go".
And then, stoking both sides to attack each other, Sullivan then pretended to be a reporter and walked to the other side, putting on his fake press badge and camera, and said to the police "Hey, I don't think you should stay here, I've seen a lot of officers to get hurt today, I don't want that to happen to you..."

All on video, M E M, if you cared what the truth was.
Video RECORDED BY JOHN SULLIVAN HIMSELF, and posted and gloated about self-incriminatingly on social media, and gushed over on CNN.

I love your "so gullible that all it took was one "lefty" guy to say "let's go" to turn thousands of Trump supporters into violent idiots in a frenzy" defense of these people.

Not "thousands", you liar.
I think the FBI opened investigations of just under 300 "Trump supporters" inside the Capitol (many of them BLM or other leftistss in Trump-supporter clothing). And of those, less than 50 were up on charges of violence.
The overwhelming majority of those charged were criminal trespass, violating curfew, or at worst smashing a few windows, or stealing Pelosi's podium and her personal letters. Video shows most of them just walking though the Capitol as if they were on a guided tour, even staying within the roped-off ailes, and at most taking a few selfie photos.

There's absolutely no question that misleading Trump supporters into violence is what John Sullivan and his BLM gang intended , who self-incriminatingly videotaped themselves detailing their plan to mislead Trump supporters into doing so. Video of their plans posted on Facebook an Twitter. Low hanging fruit, for the FBI to prosecute them.

Out of over 100,000 Trump supporters, there were a handful who were willing to smash a few windows and aggressively intimidate police and legislators in the Capitol on Jan 6th, whether on their own or unknowingly led by Antifa/BLM.
It was Mark Twain who first observed there are things people do as a mob that they would never do individually. I've made it clear I don't condone it and certainly would never participate in rioting and destruction myself.
But certainly some are more inclined to participate in these things when they see others cross that line. In Ashli Babbitt's case, I think she was participating in just intimidating police and legislators, and never imagined actually hurting someone. And certainly never imagined she could have been shot for doing so. Again, she was UNARMED,, no gun, no knife, no club, and not a threat to the officer who shot her, who as you can plainly see in the video was at least 20 feet away from Babbitt when he fired at her. She could have been arrested on lesser charges of trespassing and vandalism, an officer shooting her dead was excessive.

There were many other Trump supporters interviewed outside the Capitol who said there were others in the crowd saying to them "Come on!" or "This way!" or "Let's go!" who didn't take the bait. There were many other incidents (some of them videotaped, that I've previously linked) where "Trump supporters" were smashing windows and others would identify them as Antifa, and a group of ACTUAL Trump supporters would grab the vandals and stop them.