Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy


A group pushing for election integrity and expunging the outdated voter-rolls in Wisconsin, of dead voters and other fraudulent voters, and mail-in ballots that allowed the 2020 election to be rigged.

Allow same day registration and other safeguards for those that “accidentally” get purged so that they are not disenfranchised too.

Tens of thousands of dead voters, roughly 10,000 in each contested state.
Illegal immigrants voting.
People under age 18 voting.
In Arizona alone, about 42,000 double-voters. (which alone is for times Biden's victory margin.)
People coming in from out of state and voting under fake addresses (probably after double voting in their home states.

No one is disenfranchising legitimate voters, M E M. Just eliminating clear corruption and illegal voting.

In every one of the 6 contested states, these alone would eliminate Biden's narrow victory margin, giving Trump a victory in each state by tens of thousands of LEGITIMATE votes. And that's not even getting into the votes flipped by Dominion Voting systems.

Trump’s DOJ found no evidence of widespread voter fraud that would have changed the election result so I will not take your word on it. And people have shown up to vote and can’t because of voter purges. ..
How a massive voter purge in Georgia affected the 2018 election

Unfortunately there is an incentive for your party doing this. Remove the incentive and work on election integrity the right way.

Trump's DOJ under William Barr DIDN'T EVEN LOOK!

As I cited before, 97% of campaign donations by DOJ/FBI employees were to the Hillary Clinton and other Democrat campaigns. They are made up of tens of thousands of Peter Strzoks, Lisa Pages, Bill Priestaps, Kevin Clinesmiths and Bruce Ohrs, deeply ideologically Democrat, eager to maliciously prosecute Republican officials, committed to suppress and sabotage any investigation of, say, Lois Lerner, or Hillary Clinton, or Joe Biden or Hunter Biden.
EVEN IF THEY WERE ORDERED to investigate election fraud by President Trump or William Barr, they would "resist" and quietly sit on their hands and stonewall any investigation that might vindicate Trump and allow him to have a second term. The same way they were ordered to release documents by Trump, and stonewalled and rode out the clock till Trump left office, only releasing about 15% of the documents Trump ordered de-classified and released (regarding the Joe Biden and Hunter Biden documents related to Ukraine and China, and to the earlier "Russia Collusion" investigation and closed-door testimony by Dems, and related to Trump's earlier impeachment in Jan 2020.)

As I said, the DOJ sent an army of agents to investigate the Jussie Smollett hoax, the Bubba-whoever black racing driver and "noose" hanging in his Indy-500 garage hoax, a dozen agents to investigate some pickup trucks with Trump flags on a highway allegedly harassing a Biden campaign bus. THESE get major FBI response.
And yet...
No agents sent, to investigate ANY of the rampant fraud in the 6 battleground states? That just doesn't make sense. Unless they were part of the fix, a 97% compromised DOJ/FBI that is invested in the Democrats winning the rigged election.
The DOJ, FBI, State Department, the IRS, the NEA, and pretty much every unionized federal and state employee organization, are under complete and overwhelming Democrat control. As well as the elections supervisors offices. And now the Democrats are consolidating their absolute power over the U.S. military, weeding out anyone who has even the slightest conservative-Republican-pro-Trump leanings.

Score another victory for the Democrat-Bolshevik party, in their quest for absolute power.