Originally Posted by M E M
JLA posted video on this thread with the election official from Georgia detailing death threats received. WB found it amusing. Thanks to trumps base of deplorables even Dr. Fauci requires guards because of the death threats he gets because he’s unwilling to live in trumpers fantasy land. I do agree about the judges and actually it seems like the state and local officials are not willing to betray their country for Trump.

I guarantee you that whatever threats and security Fauci and the Gabriel Sterling (the Roger Ebert-looking Georgia elections supervisor guy who I thought was gonna cwy like a widdle girl!), I guarantee you that the threats against these two PALE beside those of the maniacs in your party toward any Republican. Brett Kavanaugh, AND his wife, AND his children will require secret service protection for the rest of their lives due to the level of threats directed at them by the lunatics in your party.

Neither Fauci or Sterling have had their political opposition storm their homes, threaten their families or have their front doors broken off their hinges by crazed liberal mobs trying to break in to attack them, as have Tucker Carlson and his wife and children, Josh Hawley and his wife and children, Mitch McConnell and his wife, Lindsey Graham in his home, David Petraeus assaulted in the street by a mob, Rand Paul and his wife attacked on multiple occasions, or Steve Scalise who almost died from the bullets fired into him, and the other Republicans at the baseball game shooting attack by a Bernie Sanders campaign volunteer, .
And multiple other attacks on conservatives in the last 4 years alone that went way beyond threats.

And certainly, every person working at FOX News require constant private security protection, due only to their reporting facts inconvenient to the liberal worldview of those who threaten them. It's not enough for them that the liberal Newspeak they crave is broadcast 24/7 on every other broadcast, internet and print media network.

While I don't condone death threats, in the case of Gabriel Sterling and his part in the clear rigging of the vote in Georgia and the clear corrupt reasons behind it, their criminal acts certainly warrant hostility and confrontation within the limits of the law.
Law that these Georgia officials themselves have broken.

Likewise Anthony Fauci has similarly abused his position and politicized it in a deliberate effort to undermine Trump for an entire year, and there are literally about 8 million more people nationwide living in poverty than a year ago displaced by Fauci and his lockdowns,people who have been arbitrarily deprived of their jobs, their businesses and even their homes because of the politicized Democrat shutdowns in states like New York, New Jersey, Michigan, and California. If I had lost everything and senselessly had my previously good life destroyed by pointless and unscientific politically driven lockdowns, I might be less than restrained in expressing my displeasure to Fauci on the subject.