
Life Liberty Levin - Sunday, Feb 14 2021

Both insightful interviews, but more so in the latter half the Charlie Kirk interview.

1) The 2nd impeachment is just a smokescreen, to consume all media attention, to conceal the radical first hundred days of Biden's presidency.

2) It serves a second function, to suppress all media discussion of the increasing evidence of massive Nov 2020 election fraud by Democrats. And the further orders in place to enact even greater election theft in 2022 and 2024.

3) The Democrat narrative of a "white supremacist Trump supporter" threat to the nation fuels rationalization for another wave of new Patriot Act-type further erosion of Constitutional protections, to further crush the rising Trump/populist PEACEFUL opposition to Biden and the Democrats, to label it violent and militarily threatening to the republic, so as to justify further unconstitutional FISA surveillance and arrests of Biden and the Democrat-Bolsheviks' political opposition. Firing on U.S. citizens, if that serves their Bolshevik purpose.