Originally Posted by Captain Sammitch
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
He had a segment way back when where he read off names of men who died of aids and laughing. frown

Yeah, that alone is enough to exempt him from the whole "don't speak ill of the dead" thing. But even beyond that, he was a shitty human being who used his platform and influence both to harm individuals and to affect public policy in ways which harmed multitudes. The general rule in comedy is "don't punch down," and you're not punching down by taking a swing at someone who applauded mass incarceration of POC for nonviolent cannabis infractions while himself being a huge fuck-off pillhead. It's safe to say that hell gained a new public toilet.

The two of you don't have a single original talking point between you, just the standard pre-packaged lying talking points of the Left.

I looked it up, just to see if there was any truth to it.


Ignoring that it's from a liberal spin-site that fronts itself as a neutral fact-checker, it seems to be an actual segment that Rush Limbaugh ran on his show... back around 1997, about 23 years ago. Although it's unclear that Limbaugh was targeting gay AIDS victims in general. It appears to have been targeted at the most poisonous and militant gay leftists. But regardless, Limbaugh at some point after being confronted about it by gay radicals while appearing as a guest on the Pat Sajak show, discontinued the segment, apologized for the segment, and made a $10,000 donation to a charity for children with AIDS. Amazing how that last detail got glossed over by the Limbaugh haters ! No credit at all for that full retraction, and donation.

Also amazing how even this "factcheck" piece can't seem to quote anything specific Limbaugh said in any of these aired radio segments, no audio or transcript of these programs to indict Limbaugh with what he specifically said, and not even the dates or the duration that these shows allegedly aired.

On another of your desperate attempts to say something negative about Rush Limbaugh, calling him a "pillhead", Limbaugh like many people had a severe back pain condition, for which he was prescribed painkillers, and he (like many nationwide) became addicted to them over time, and for a few months when his prescriptions ended, got prescription painkillers illegally, until he sought out treatment to get off the painkillers. So that's not nearly the same thing as being a recreational drug user or addict in the traditional sense. If not for his back pain, for which he was PRESCRIBED painkillers, he never would have become hooked on them. And when he saw it became a problem, he sought treatment to end his addiction. But in your irrational hatred, you twisted the facts to spin it the way you wanted to, ignoring the circumstances you would be sympathetic to for just about anyone else, particularly a Democrat or a "POC"(presumably, persons of color, that you seem obsessed with these days).

I don't see evidence of Limbaugh that "he was a shitty human being who used his platform and influence both to harm individuals and to affect public policy in ways which harmed multitudes.".

As far as Limbaugh being "someone who applauded mass incarceration of POC for nonviolent cannabis infractions", Bill O'Reilly frequently had segments that detailed how people selling marijuana are the same "POC" POS thugs who sell cocaine and heroin, and get in bloody turf wars to protect their sales territory, and incidentally and without thought kill any civilians who get in the way. My 64-year-old aunt, a college professor, was hit in a car accident where two of these thugs in an SUV were chasing two thugs in a competing drug gang in another SUV through the streets of L.A., and she was killed instantly in the crash when they impacted her. And my cousin, her son, who was in the car with her, was severely injured and spent over a year and several surgeries recovering, and then had to learn how to walk again.

And a little further on the subject of "applauding mass incarceration", this:

Biden: Are you ashamed? "Not at all, I DRAFTED the bill." And: "If we don't jail them, they will become predators."

Rush Limbaugh didn't legislate that crime bill to incarcerate hundreds of thousands for excessive sentences on a "three strikes" bill. Joe Biden, Bill Clinton and the Democrats did. And by the way, until very recently, that "racist legislation" has for the last 25 years or so brought violent crime to its lowest numbers in 3 decades. Now violent crime is skyrocketing with the rise of BLM, and Soros-sponsored leftist D.A.'s and U.S. attorneys and mayors who are not prosecuting violent criminals, and thus incentivizing more crime.

And by the way, it was Donald Trump, the guy you like to label as a racist (among other expressions of your hatred for Trump)who is the president who has done more to release non-violent black/POC prisoners nationwide for what he considered disproportionately long sentences for nonviolent black offenders.
Something the Democrats never did in 50 years, even during the multiple periods where they controlled the House, Senate and Presidency, and were infinitely able to do so.