Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Actually the crime bill had broad bipartisan support back than. And when Obama tried reforming the system there was even some bipartisan support than.

I don't dispute that. In less leftist and racially obsessed times, it seemed like common sense for both sides to pass that law enforcement legislation in 1994. In retrospect, while it did dramatically reduce crime after 1994, there were some cases where the "three strikes" law could have given a prosecutor or judge discretion in some cases to give a lighter sentence. I read about one case where a criminal's third offense was stealing a pizza. I think we can agree that a guy shouldn't spend a minimum 25 years in jail because his third felony was stealing a pizza.

Originally Posted by M E M
As did Trump in his attempts.

Okay, while eventually the Democrats let the legislation pass under Trump, there I disagree. It was pretty clear that because it was Trump's idea, they didn't want to sign on, and just plain didn't want Trump getting credit for it. I think it was only because of public pressure that the Democrats signed on. I think I'm on the record when it passed that while I generally support giving deserving prisoners a break for time served, since they did spend time in jail for their crimes, my only problem with that is a few murderers and rapists and violent criminals will inevitably accidentally get released, and that threaten lives.

Originally Posted by M E M
Hopefully that bipartisan support continues with Biden on doing even better. I like that Biden is trying to get rid of for profit prisons and wants more cops in the communities. I think a lot of good can be done on this front.

I'm not convinced that this stuff will come out of a Biden presidency, or that if it does, it will have been Biden's idea. I see the push for this (like the over 3,000 illegals a day currently flooding over the Southern border) as orchestrated chaos in pursuit of stirring up cover for a dangerous radical leftist agenda (i.e., Cloward and Piven strategy, overwhelm the system).

Originally Posted by M E M
I will never have a problem with being disgusted with Rush reciting the deaths of people who died of aids and hitting the applause button afterwards btw. Heap all the praise you want on that pos though if you want WB.

Did you ever actually hear that on air? I didn't.

I was far more inclined to watch Rush's show, and I never saw it.

I keep in mind that Limbaugh was largely a humorist (like Glenn Beck he could be very funny, while simultaneously making a political point) and those were less politically sensitive times, where Limbaugh was trying to be sardonically funny, with a controversial off-color segment. No one was using the term "LGBT" back then, and gay jokes were more common. I'm sure you could find similar jokes at the time on late night TV or even said among Democrat Senators and Congressmen back then. This was the period where Bill and Hillary Clinton were defending the Confederate Flag and "preserving our Southern heritage". And when Jimmy Kimmell and Joy Behar both appeared in black-face.

Where there were still former KKK members that were prominent members in both parties, Democrat and Republican. (somehow Strom Thurmond escaped that compiled list, I guess he was a segregationist but not a KKK member).
Amid all that, I'm sure you could find similar off-color "humor" to be quoted from any number of celebrities, politicians, or even print and broadcast reporters and anchors, if you dug hard enough. Rush Limbaugh when confronted did retract his remarks and apologize, and did make a large donation to a Children with AIDS charity.

I look at it this way, Rush Limbaugh was on the air 3 hours a day, five days a week for 33 years. With that level of exposure, it's an inevitability that he would occasionally make a remark that would offend someone, often off-the-cuff without thinking, on a regular basis, some comments more forgivable than others. Limbaugh saying Chelsea Clinton is a "dog" for example, which he also apologized for.

Did you know that Donald Trump has been offered to fill in Rush Limbaugh's 3-hour daily show? He politely declined it immediately. While the exposure would be good, especially while cut off from Facebook and Twitter platforms, being on air 3 hours a day for Media Matters and similar groups to comb over every word you say, looking for anything to twist into ammunition to fire back at you, is just too much exposure. It's miraculous that Rush Limbaugh offended as few as he did in that 33 years on air.

And similar people, on the air far less, have said things equally of not more offensive.
Don Imus? ("nappy headed ho's")
David Letterman? (speculating A-rod would knock up Sarah Palin's 14-year old daughter.)
Bill Maher? (among many incendiary remarks, calling the 9-11 guys flying planes into buildings "courageous", the comment that got him fired from ABC in 2001.)

I could similarly sift through the incendiary remarks of pretty much every CNN and MSNBC host.

And every Democrat member of the House and Senate, starting the glee every one of these people expressed wishing Trump and other Republicans would die of Covid. Or (Nicole Wallace, MSNBC) that Biden should do a drone strike and kill Trump at Mar A Lago.
Or that Hodgekinson almost killing several Republicans at a House baseball game was "a good start" (said by multiple prominent staffers for Democrat House and Senate members).

I could go on with more examples, but I trust I've made the point.

The difference is, while Rush Limbaugh or whoever on the right might make a joke, when your side says they want Trump and other Republicans dead, they really mean it. My point again is that at least Rush Limbaugh had a change of heart and apologized for what he said as thoughtless in retrospect, and stopped.
I'm hard pressed to name any among these Democrats who similarly apologized or showed any remorse. Even when their remarks got people killed in ICE compounds, or in BLM riots nationwide.
David Letterman never apologized.

Kathy Griffen apologized for like a day in a desperate attempt to keep her job, and a few days later was unrepentantly railing with hate against Trump, especially odd for a comedian.
Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez was quoted almost verbatim by Antifa shooters in two ICE compounds, one of whom was killed, and she never acknowledged her remarks WERE QUOTED by the shooter, and never let up after on her violence-inciting rhetoric.
Likewise Pelosi calling for uprisings all over the country.
And Kamala Harris saying of BLM "They're not going to stop, and they SHOULDN'T stop."

To name just a few incendiary Democrat/Leftist examples.