Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
I think you’ve made it clear what you feel is acceptable if it’s a republican vs a democrat WB. Kathy Griffen or Bill Maher are not going to get medals from Biden. And I’m good with that.

All Rush Limbaugh did was make some on-air off-the-cuff remarks intended as humor, for which he later expressed regret for and apologized. You act like he killed 6 million Jews, or singlehandedly created slavery, or somehow caused gays to die of AIDS. As Limbaugh himself said, their own promiscuous sexual activity caused that, nothing he said. Limbaugh made some jokes in bad taste, but certainly no great offense.

In contrast, your Bolshevik party elected a woman Vice President who openly endorsed rioters who looted and burned 275 cities, murdered over 25 people, injured over 2,000 police officers, killed two, and both herself and about a dozen other high officials in her campaign staff set up a fund to bail out the most violent of those rioters arrested, so they could go out and commit even more violence !
KAMALA HARRIS: "They'll keep on going right up to election day, and past election day, they're not going to stop, and they SHOULDN'T stop."
I could say the same of Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Cory Booker, Maxine Waters, Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley, Ilhan Omar, and pretty much every prominent Democrat leader, who have directly incited violence and gotten people killed. These are the people who are accusing Trump of "inciting violence" !?!?!?!?!?!?!
Likewise CNN and MSNBC news anchors, who cheer on the idea of assassinating President Trump, and of Trump supporters like Nicholas Sandmann. And at least two other Trump supporters, who were actually killed. Just a week ago on MSNBC, Nicole Wallace openly called for Biden to kill Trump at Mar A Lago in a drone strike.

I notice your lack of outrage on these >>>FAR<<< more offensive remarks by Democrats on broadcast television.

Rush Limbaugh, and most Republicans, care about stopping abortion, and the tens of millions of lives abortion has taken since 1973, far exceeding the lives lost on all sides in World War II. And anyone with a heart should care about Planned Parenthood, whose officials (caught on video by Project Veritas) openly gloat about tricking women into abortions, and harvesting the aborted children for body parts they can sell, so they can reap enormous profits. One even gloated that it bought her Porsche.

Bolsheviks on the Left constantly hyperventilate and try to slander Rush Limbaugh and other conservatives, to mask and re-direct media attention away from the pure evil that comes out of your party every day. They smother all other media coverage with an issue like Ted Cruz flying his daughters to Mexico during the Texas power outage, so they can avoid covering the flood of tyrannical executive orders by Biden that are destroying our Constitutional republic forever. And even when they have Biden himself or Jen Psaki to interview, they avoid ANY discussion of the serious issues, and ask pablum like "what's it like being in the White House" or "How can your DOJ continue to go after Trump", ignoring that Trump has been acquitted.

Nothing about locking down Washington DC with 26,000 troops, and further purging the military of any Republicans, or pursuing further Patriot Act-style legislation or executive orders to further do unconstitutional surveillance of Republicans.

Or Democrats trying to shut down Fox, Newsmax and OAN by attempting to ban them from cable service providers.

And further trying to ban 2nd Amendment private gun ownership.

And trying to shut down all flights into Florida, to cripple Florida's economy, despite FL having handled Covid-19 better than just about any state, and currently having among the lowest hospitalizations and deaths. For pure political reasons, to cripple Florida economically, because its success makes Democrat lockdown states like New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Michigan and California look like the pointlessly authoritarian incompetents that they are.

And Biden re-entering the U.S. in the Paris Accord, despite that during Trump's presidency we had lower emissions and the greatest reduction in emissions, lower than other nations in actually in the Paris Accord treaty, and despite Kerry admitting that even if the U.S. complies with the treaty, global emissions will still go up because the world's greatest polluters, China, India, Iran, North Korea, are excluded from having to comply, so it will just damage the U.S. economy for nothing. The media did their level best to ignore this. It doesn't fit their narrative.

And ignoring Biden wanting to re-enter the Iran nuclear deal, despite Iran's aggression toward the U.S. and terrorism in the mid east, and that if it gets nukes it will set off an arms race in surrounding nations.

And ignoring the crisis caused by Biden stopping border wall construction and INVITING a tripling of illegals now flooding our borders, DURING A COVID-19 PANDEMIC, who will infect millions of Americans. Bringing back and exploding an illegal immigration crisis, and a Covid-19 risk that Trump had eliminated.

And Biden crippling our economy and destroying our energy independence with executive orders, in less than his first 30 days, that will continue to destroy MILLIONS of jobs and risk our national security.

And that's just scratching the surface.

NO mention of any of these crises by the media while interviewing Biden or his officials.
"Ooooohhhh, look at the first couple on Valentines day !" In a completely fake and saccharine lame photo event with Biden and his wife.
"Ohhh, it's so nice to have a return to normalcy" with Biden in the White House, CNN and MSNBC anchors gush.
"Normalcy" being radicalism, corruption and incompetency.
But hey, it's DEMOCRAT radicalism, corruption and incompetency, so it's perfectly OK, now we don't even have to challenge or report it. TEAM DEMOCRAT!
The Washington Post has even abolished their "factcheck" department, because they don't even think factchecking is necessary of the Biden administration. Free pass, all the way. As the Biden administration does all the above, crushing our Constitutional republic.
They don't even ask.

Rush Limbaugh was a pioneer, who in 1988 created a radio talk show format that saved the AM radio industry. Limbaugh broke the liberal media's stranglehold on public thought and gave a voice to tens of millions who were unrepresented by the mainstream (liberal) media. Political talk radio is now the dominant format on AM radio, and much of FM. It gave rise to the formation of Fox News, Newsmax, and OAN.
Now there is an actual dialogue in this country, that a one-sided media never had before.

Let me mention again the book Bias by Bernard Goldberg, that I first read in 2003, that first awakened my conservatism, what most of us instinctively already knew about liberal media bias, but which he cracked wide open with the personal examples in his 30 years at CBS News, and cited decades of polls of the opinion of liberal reporters, that for 50 years the collective media have self-identified as 80% "liberal" or "very liberal", and how that tilts their news coverage. Goldberg, a self-identified liberal himself, says that for the most part it is an unconscious bias by liberals (or at least it was, until their partisan push for the election of Barack Obama in 2008, and even more so maliciously partisan after the 2016 election). But when Goldberg wrote the book in 2002, he said that it was for the most part unconscious bias, that liberal reporters are far to the left of even the Democrat party, and that reporters "have contempt for what most Americans hold dear", such as religion, national pride in our constitutional republic, the 2nd Amendment, opposition to abortion, national defense, border security, and a high regard for our police and military.

Rush Limbaugh gave a voice to 21 million Americans on those issues, on a daily basis for 33 years. Issues misrepresented or completely ignored by the mainstream liberal media. And gave birth to a counter-balancing conservative media, that Biden and the Democrat Bolsheviks are doing their absolute damnedest to snuff the life out of. And our Constitutional republic along with it.