Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
NYT: Cellphone Data Tie Proud Boys Member With Trump White House Before Capitol Riot

“ Federal law enforcement officials have uncovered a contact between former President Donald Trump’s White House and a member of the far-right nationalist group the Proud Boys mere days before the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol. The FBI obtained “location, cellular, and call record data” that revealed the information, reports the New York Times, citing an unnamed source who was briefed on the investigation. The FBI hasn’t been able to figure out what the two discussed and the source wouldn’t reveal any names of the people on either end of the call.

Word on the call comes as the leader of the group, Enrique Tarrio, confirmed he called Trump associate Roger Stone days before the assault on the Capitol. Tarrio called during a protest in front of Sen. Marco Rubio’s home and he put Stone on speaker phone to talk to the demonstrators. An official said that wasn’t the call in question. That means two members of the Proud Boys were in touch with people associated with the White House, illustrating how extremist groups had ties to people close to the Trump administration.

This is just another red herring by the New York Times, to re-direct attention away from

1) the fact that John Earle Sullivan and his BLM/Antifa group were at the center of the very worst violence that occurred on Jan 6th, where the ONLY person was murdered that day.
2) the fact that the "FIVE PEOPLE KILLED BY WHITE SUPREMACIST RACIST TRUMP SUPPORTERS" has shattered, and even the piece-of-shit New York Times has been forced to retract that narrative. The "FIVE PEOPLE KILLED BY TRUMP SUPPORTERS" has turned out to be four people who died of strokes and heart attacks, and one Trump supporter (Ashli Babbitt) shot dead for no good reason by a Capitol police officer.
For those paying attention, that means:
**ZERO** people killed by Trump supporters, only one Trump supporter killed by a trigger-happy cop, WHO WILL NOT BE PROSECUTED, AND WILL NOT EVEN BE NAMED !!!

Whatever alleged phone calls happened between Proud Boys and whoever, that's just smoke and mirrors to hide the above FACTS. Roger Stone was given a security escort to the airport well before any of the rioting began on Jan 6th. That's the full extent of his involvement. The rest is just a NY Times/Bolshevik narrative, to try and change the subject from their paper's PROVEN false reporting for the last 8 weeks.

It's over 2 months now since events of Jan 6th at the Capitol. And I think we've learned as much as the FBI and the Captiol Police want us to know. And they have been trying to hide the true facts I just cited above. Police officer Brian Sicknick (who was a Trump supporter by the way, who wrote multiple letters to Senators and Congressmen in opposition to the Democrats' Jan 2020 attempt to impeach Trump) was first alleged to haave been "KILLED" by a Trump supporter. Facts revealed by other officers and by Sicknick's family finally revealed that he collapsed hours later, AFTER the riots, at the police station, and was rushed to the hospital.
And weeks later it was revealed (reluctantly) that Brian Sicknick's appeared to be a stroke (although his brother told a reporter that on Jan 8th), and that despite video of hours of security camera footage of Sicknick and other officers clashing with rioters inside the Capitol, there is not one point where an extinguisher is ever seen thrown at Sicknick. And despite the medical opinion that it was a stroke, medical examiners still say Sicknick's determined cause of death is still pending! Despite that they rushed to cremate his body.
No, it sure as hell doesn't.
It says that Democrat partisans in the FBI, Capitol Police, and the coroner's office are trying to hide the truth. And the fact that they cremated Sicknick's body before determining a cause of death, and yet are still keeping his official cause of death as "yet to be determined" has a clear political motivation.

And what exactly did the Proud Boys do that was so terrible on Jan 6th?
The worst violence was by BLM/Antifa that got Ashli Babbit killed. John Earle Sullivan led the rioting and destruction that led to her death. Aside from that, the most organized violence was by 30 or so people in the Oath Keepers group. As FBI assistant director of counter-terrorism Jill Sanborn admitted (not freely, but only when asked directly by Senator Ron Johnson, R-WI) THERE WAS NOT ONE GUN FOUND OR CONFISCATED IN OR AROUND THE CAPITOL ON JAN 6th !
Further, Sanborn admitted that the only gun fired that day was a Capitol police officer, who shot and killed Ashli Babbitt.

There was no "insurrection", there was no "storming of the Capitol", there was no organized "armed" military coup to kill or kidnap House and Senate members. That's all proven to be false narrative now, every last bit of it.
There were just some rioters shouting in the Capitol halls, rushing a few officers, smashing some windows, to try and intimidate House and Senate members, and express their outrage. And likely none of them would have done the little vandalism they did if they were not unkowingly led by John Earle Sullivan and his BLM/Antifa infiltrators, *PRETENDING* to be Trump protestors. THAT is the narrative the New York Times is trying to hide with this latest Roger Stone canard. Par for the course from the New York Times, to try and re-direct the narrative yet again.