
Ted Cruz grills Vanita Gupta on Equality Act, religious liberty

Here's some Senate confirmation testimony of Vanita Gupta, who the Biden administration wanted to appoint to the third highest position in the DOJ. Her own self-incriminating posts are thrown in her face over and over, and she denies what she clearly advocated online over and over on social media less than 9 months ago. In classic Democrat style, she just repeatedly evades the question, changes the subject, and denies what she clearly said as somehow not representing the full context. These people are America-hating Bolshevik fanatics, and it truly terrifies me that many are being appointed to positions of power in government of a nation they want to destroy, many of them clearly saying that. In this one case, Gupta's nomination has been retracted.

The Clintons, the Obamas, Bernie Sanders and many of their staffers openly quote and praise Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Castro, Hugo Chaves, Che Gueverra, Saul Alinsky and other marxist fanatics. In the case of Bernie Sanders, he has for over 50 years praised every Communist regime in the last century, and yet has absolutely nothing good to say about our free capitalist Constitutional republic.

Democrats in the Clinton and Obama administrationss, openly praised and quoted Mao, Hugo Chaves and other communist and anti-American leaders. And I've posted the video of them saying it many times. Anita Dunn, Ron Bloom, Cass Sustein, Mark Lloyd, on and on. They openly talk about wanting to dismantle and de-platform any free speech they don't like. People in the campaigns of major Democrat presidential candidates such as Sanders, Kamala Harris and Joe Biden have endorsed taking away 2nd Amendment rights, while simultaneously de-funding and taking away police protection, denying citizens the ability to be protected, or to protect themselves! Eliminating protection of our southern border from illegal criminals, and wanting to "crush" all conservative dissent and free speech rights. Wanting to de-platform all conservative news from cable television.

Which perfectly follows the models of Lenin, Stalin, Castro, Hugo Chavez, and Mao, all the murderous dictators they admire and quote. What people within the Democrat leadersship have openly said they would like to do here, what they are trying to actually do. Silencing all dissent. Putting their opposition in Gulags and "re-education centers". Taking away Trump supporters' children and raising/indoctrinating them by leftist state officials. And many Democrats even openly talking about killing Republicans. Project Veritas, among others, have caught many Democrat campaign officials and staffers openly boasting on-camera about these plans, which I've posted here repeatedly.

These are the maniacs who are truly running the government now, for which Joe Biden is just a figurehead. If Biden has any clue what is going on, he is a willing participant enabling this Bolshevik power grab, the destruction of our Constitutional republic.