Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Covid relief Bill: debunking the misinformation

The gop talking points you presented debunked. This was a good bill imho that is popular even with a lot of republicans outside of the beltway. Unity is nice but let’s face it, you guys can’t even accept losing an election. The party is currently eating it’s own for those few who chose country over corrupt trump. Glad Biden got this out. Republicans can try to misinform all they want as the result helps people that actually need help. They voted for the stimulus that bailed out the cruise line industry, this got a solid no.

That's some carefully worded deceitful liberal spin.
It's like an unedited press release directly from the Biden White House.

The fact is, less than 9% of the $1.9 trillion is going to actual covid relief. The rest is a Trojan horse that goes to the Democrat/Left and their allies, and hundreds of billions to pay off the debt of Democrat-governed cities and states, debt that FAR precedes the Coronavirus crisis and lock-downs, funds targeted to sweep away accountability for DECADES of Democrat-governed states' irresponsible spending policy. It punishes states that have been fiscally responsible, and it rewards states that have done the wrong thing at every turn.

The piece-of-shit Democrat party is in the process of destroying the country, allowing hundreds of thousands of criminals and Covid-infected illegal-immigrant scum into our country. Biden is even releasing illegals who are Covid-positive and busing them to scattered cities all across the country, to spread Covid, criminals, and new welfare dependents to already Covid-strained regions.
The talking points you are fronting are absolute shit garbage. Completely untrue. THE OPPOSITE of true.
Trump was rebuilding this country, jobs, factories, border security, energy independence, national sovereignty, increasing wages, and rebuilding our military, and crippling the world's worst players (Russia, China, Iran, North Korea) with punishing sanctions that prevented them from funding new aggression. The only purpose of the policy Biden and his puppetmasters are enacting is to destroy what Trump created, and to hurt the American people. And replace them with a Democrat-compliant foreign electorate.

The stimulus checks are being sent to ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS !
Hidden in the "Covid relief" bill is forcing U.S. taxpayers to pay for all the processing and economic aid for all these lawless third-world illegal immigrant scum who shouldn't even be here.

There are also earmarks for museums, Planned Parenthood, and thousands of other liberal-progressive causes and Democrat-supporting leftist groups. And as I said, over 91% of that is unrelated to helping Americans stricken by Covid and the lockdowns. Most of that 1.9 trillion is a slush fund, to aid Democrats and their political allies through the 2022 and 2024 elections.