
To review, in less than 60 days...

1) Biden has signed executive orders to stop the Canadian Keystone XL pipeline, that instantly eliminated 15,000 high-paying American jobs (each about $200,000 a year), and also signed a bill to stop oil drilling on federal land and adjacent private lands. Where Trump had made the U.S. energy-independent and therefore insulated from foreign wars in nations we previously got oil from, and draining about a trillion a year leaving our U.S. economy and going to nations like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Mexico and Venezuela, countries that hate us, to build their economies and their ability to wage war and oppress their own people, Trump had eliminated that for the first time in 70 years. These nations no longer had the revenue to wage war, they had less money to even protect their tyrannical regimes from revolution by their own people. And they were not involving us in new wars, despite many deep state/globalist insiders pushing Trump to launch a new war in Iran or North Korea. Now with Biden in office dropping sanctions or enforcing them less strongly, these genocidal regimes are back in business!

2) Biden signed executive orders that immediately stopped construction on the almost completed Southern border wall. Despite that the materials are piled up RIGHT THERE on the border, that would only take a few more days to complete. Stopped cold, and another 5,000 high-paying jobs immediately eliminated. In one section, there was only about 1/2 mile left to close the wall. The materials to close that gap are now rusting in a pile a few hundred yards away. And guess where the illegals are now pouring in every night into that county? Yes, through that half-mile gap. Biden telegraphed for a year he would stop deporting illegals, and would instantly stop construction of the wall. Give them free health insurance! Give them Covid checks! Which has happened, encouraging an instant flood of illegals across our border. In that one county they estimate about 3,300 adults and about 800 minors a day flooding in. The Mexican drug cartels and human trafickers are back in business, each making an estimated $14 million a day on the crisis Biden created. The cartels LOVE Biden!

In Democrat states, people are still trapped in lockdowns, unable to work, and children unable to go to school. But Biden and the Democrats allow thousands **EVERY DAY** to flood across our borders, not even screened for Covid-19, catch and release,free to move God knows where within the U.S., with absolutely no screening for disease or criminal history. Murderers, rapists, drunk drivers, child predators, human traffickers, drug cartels, people with all kinds of diseases, just running wild across America. The cartels LOVE Biden and the Democrats.

3) Biden is ramping up trillions in new spending, with money the nation doesn't have. Again, fast-tracking a collapse of the U.S. dollar, with trillions more in new printed currency, with nothing to back its value. The Weimar Republic plan.

4) Biden is pushing for crushing new taxes, on people who are still struggling to recover from Covid-19 shutdowns. Many have lost their jobs and businesses and homes, been evicted. And Biden's solution is.... the most punishing tax increases in 50 years?

5) Biden is weakening the U.S. by re-entering the Paris Accord, that further cripples U.S. businesses, despite that without being in the Paris Accord, the U.S. decreased its environmental emissions by 3%, better than any nation in the agreement! And that the Paris Accord gives the world's worst polluters (China, India, Iran, Pakistan...) no requirement to comply as "developing nations", while the U.S. is crippled and the other nations continue to pollute with ever greater annual emissions. Even John Kerry admitted the U.S. complying while these nations don't makes no difference.

6) Biden reversed Trump policy and now fully finds the World Health Organizaion (WHO) just like before, requiring no change in policy or leadership. Which just encourages them to go on as a lapdog of China and infect the whole world again. With Trump, he enacted a common sense de-funding of WHO until they change their policies and leadership to prevent a similar crisis. Biden just hoses away billions and openly encourages corruption and a repeat of the same crisis happening again.

7) Ultimately, a "C R 1" passed through the House and now an "S 1" bill in the Senate, that is nothing less than a corrupt Bolshevik takeover of our election system to have it controlled by the Democrat party for the next hundred years. The end of our 2-party system and all Constitutional checks and balances. And after that, taking away guns, and increasing restrictions of freedom by the ruling Democrat-Bolshevik party, until there is nothing left. Absolutely the end of our Constitutional republic, with no checks and balances left on Democrat-Bolsheviks' absolute power. After which the complete destruction of the nation will begin in earnest.

And that's not even a complete list. In less than 60 days, but with these alone Biden and the Democrats have put this nation on the path to national suicide. Even in Biden's first 60 days, the only thing keeping it from collapsing is the strengths Trump created in his previous 4 years as president:

* Trump's rebuilding of our military.
* Trump's border wall, and securing the Southern border, and the now-crumbling alliances toward that end with Mexico and Central American countries.
* Trump's building the strongest economy in over 50 years, that allowed the country to bounce back quickly from the tyrannical Covid-19 lockdowns in Democrat states.
* And most importantly, the fast-tracked vaccine Trump pushed for, that NEVER would have occurred under an incompetent corrupt Biden, or probably under any other president of either party. If Trump were still president, the immunization would be closer to completion, but it is occurring anyway, IN SPITE OF Biden, certainly not because of him.

Biden is running this country on the last fumes of the great engine that Trump built, that they "resisted" kicking and screaming every steep of the way for 4 years, and in spite of them, Trump prove in the end with each that he was right and they were wrong. And now they want to destroy it, just because Trump built it. More than that, they want to destroy THE NATION that Trump was elected in 2016 just in time to save from 30 years of their Marxist/globalist plans. I pray to God we can survive 4 years of Biden. I have my doubts.
And the Democrats cheer like Biden wasn't destroying us. Cheer for a "leader" who can't remember anything that isn't written in advance for him on a note card by his puppetmasters.