
By Pete Papaherakles
May 28, 2012

Is the mainstream media deliberately fabricating a myth of white racism in America in order to cover up an epidemic of black-on-white violence? While most Americans are aware of the Trayvon Martin shooting in Sanford, Florida on February 26, 2012, very few know about the thousands of whites who have been brutally murdered, raped, beaten and robbed by blacks as the media keeps regurgitating lies about the Martin case. Are the lives of these innocent white Americans not important enough to report on, or is the media purposely inciting racial tensions for a reason?

Anyone who has paid attention to the Martin shooting knows that key information about the case has been distorted and fabricated. Evidence now shows that George Zimmerman had a broken nose, black eyes and lacerations to the back of his head. The police report stated that Zimmerman’s back was wet and covered with grass clippings. On the other hand, Martin’s autopsy revealed that Martin’s knuckles were scraped. Even eyewitnesses saw the six-foot-three-inch Martin viciously pummeling the five-foot-nine-inch Zimmerman in the face while he had him on the ground.

While this dog-and-pony show is going on, however, the mainstream media has been totally silent on atrocious crimes that have been committed by blacks on whites since the Martin shooting. Here are a few—from among dozens of incidents—that this newspaper has confirmed.

On February 27, the day after the Martin shooting, two black males in Detroit abducted and killed a white couple. The victims were found bound, shot and burned beyond recognition in an alley. Police are calling it a random “thrill killing.”

On February 28, in Kansas City, Missouri, two black teens attacked a 13-year-old white boy on his front porch as he was returning from school. They poured gasoline on him and set him on fire for no apparent reason, saying “You get what you deserve white boy!”

On March 14, a 20-year-old black man broke into the home of Bob and Nancy Straight in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He raped the 85-year-old Mrs. Straight and then beat her to death. Then he shot 90-year-old Mr. Straight in the face with a pellet gun and broke his jaw and ribs. He died several days later. The thug stole $200, a TV set and their Dodge Neon, which he drove to a nearby house where he went to hide. The police spotted the stolen car in front of the house and arrested him.

On April 1, in Jackson, Mississippi, a 31-year-old black man broke into a house to rob it and found a white woman inside. He forced her to lie on the floor with a blanket over her head as he shot her in the back of the head, execution-style.

On April 5, in Tunica, Mississippi, a 34-year-old black man checked into a hotel with his pregnant 25-year-old white girlfriend and their one-year-old child. The next day the woman was found dead on the floor brutally mutilated and covered with blood, as was the one-year-old child. The knife was in the room.

On April 15, in Las Vegas, a 22-year-old black man raped a 38-year-old white woman and her 10-year-old daughter. He then killed them by smashing their skulls with a hammer.

On top of all these brutal murders there have been a number of “flash mob” attacks across the country where anywhere from half a dozen to as many as a hundred blacks gang up on innocent people and beat them senseless. In at least 12 of these cases documented by this writer, the blacks have cited revenge for the shooting of Martin as the motive for the savageries, although in many cases the victims were also robbed.

One of these attacks occurred in Norfolk, Virginia, where more than 30 blacks brutally beat a white couple as another 70 blacks watched and cheered them on, a typical phenomenon in these black-on-white “flash mob” attacks. Martin’s name came up as the excuse for the brutality. The couple actually worked for the main newspaper in town, The Virginian Pilot, which has direct political ties to the Obama administration. That publication could not even be bothered to report on the attack of its own employees for two weeks—and even then it was only as an opinion piece written by a friend of the couple.

The couple said the police officer who responded acted strangely. After having been viciously beaten, kicked in the face and dragged by her hair, the battered woman was told by the officer to “shut up and get in the car.” He did not record any names of witnesses and said the attackers were “probably juveniles anyway. What are we going to do? Find their parents and tell them?” Pointing to public housing in the area, he said large groups of “teenagers” look for trouble on the weekends. “It’s what they do,” he told the couple.

This was published shortly after the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman incident and trial. I would imagine with all the liberal media and Democrat and Black Lives Matter in recent years that these kind of incidents have increased. The rhetoric directed at blacks incites this kind of violence and rationalizes it as some kind of payback at white America.

A similar account of black crime is in Pat Buchanan's 2002 book DEATH OF THE WEST, pages 65-71,. In a subsection titled "Hate Crimes", Buchanan cites several widely reported liberal media news reports a about attacks where blacks and gays are the victims, and the media's complete reluctance to report incidents when whites are the victims of brutal crimes by other minorities, even when those are the facts.
Buchanan also cites that despite blacks being just 13% of the population, blacks commit 42% of the nation's crime, and 52% of the murders.

In another article by conservative black columnist Larry Elder, he further cites that it's not black women who are committing these crimes, it's not black children or black elderly, its black males between the ages of 15 and 45. And as violent black criminals have been released prematurely from jail over the last year due to Covid-19 and other pressures, we've seen an instant skyrocketing of violent crime, to a level not seen since the 1960's. So as Elder reports it, it's not the entire 13% of U.S. population that is black committing all that crime, when you consider it's just the 3% of U.S. population that is black males between 15-45, that this concentration of criminals in one demographic becomes even more astronomical. That racially motivated violent incidents by blacks against whites occur at a ratio of 50 incidents for every one of the reverse. And those are U.S. Justice Department statistics that go back for 4 decades.

And that the ratio of black murders is about 91% black-on-black murders. Not by the alleged narrative of a "war on blacks" by police. As I quoted Bill O'Reilly a few years ago, around the time of the Michael Brown shooting in Ferguson, Missouri, in that statistical year there were about 8 million arrests, and of all those arrests, there were only about 600 people killed by police while being arrested, most of them infinitely justifiable. And of those 600, only about 150 were black. In the most recent statistical year I looked at, less than 50 police shootings of blacks, way down, despite that black violence, particularly black violence against police, has vastly escalated. Several reports I've seen have cited that a police officer is statistically 19 times more likely to be murdered while arresting a black suspect, than the suspect is likely to be killed by police.

The incident last year with Rayshard Brooks in the Atlanta area a year ago demonstrates this. Brooks fell asleep at the wheel of his car in the drive-through line at a Wendy's restaurant, and police were called because he was blocking the takeout line.
He was high on something and knew he was breaking parole, and if arrested would be back in prison, previously imprisoned for beating both his girlfriend and his own children, among other offenses, so he attacked the TWO officers trying to arrest him to try and get away, tased one of the officers with his own taser... and anyone is shocked or outraged that Brooks was shot by the other officer (who was also beaten almost unconscious by Brooks) ? And yet black mobs in the city of Atlanta and elsewhere rioted and looted, burned the Wendy's to the ground, blocked highways, and unleashed their BLM-stoked violent payback on the rest of America. Among many other violent racial incidents where black mobs burned and looted at least 275 cities nationwide.

And all but a few news outlets are afraid to tell the truth: that it's black crime and violence, not not white racism or racist cops that cause police to arrest these thugs, and with rare exception, the police are just trying to do their job when, as in the Rayshard Brooks case, or the Kenosha case, and so many others, police are forced to defend themselves from suspects attacking them.