Originally Posted by M E M
A conservative selling a book telling you what you want to hear. I actually listened to one of your clips so you got me to waste that time I could have been listening to music. She spent a chunk of time on Trump visiting the troops during the holidays (essentially a positive fluff story for Presidents) because a couple of reporters did a negative story about him golfing instead. She avoids anything contradictory to what Trumpers want to hear and avoids context when it messes up that message. When it came to the election she takes a “believe what you want to believe” mantra. She attacks fact checks as fake but there it doesn’t get the scrutiny that she gave a Newsweek reporter for doing a trump golfing story while he was visiting the troops. I wish she had been a capitol police officer on Jan 6th. That’s her and Trump’s special people.

You're such a brainwashed liberal zealot, M E M.

Sharyl Attkisson self-identifies in the video as a left-of-center liberal, if you had even bothered to watch it. And she cites example after example from published articles of how the liberal media distort the news, get it wrong, then edit the story online to cover up that they were wrong, without ever doing a retraction to ADMIT that they were wrong.

And how these liberal media sources ALWAYS err in favor of the Democrats, very deliberately to serve a partisan agenda, rather than to simply objectively report the news.

She cites how in recent years liberal media don't just say Trump or some other Republican said something factually inaccurate, but instead leap at every turn to viciously personalize it and call Trump or whoever "a liar". She states that would have gotten a reporter fired 10 years ago.

You have NYU journalism professors and dishonest network anchors like Lester Holt who now say "the truth is overrated", and are unapologetic about their partisan Newspeak propaganda, where they KNOW they are reporting things that are absolutely false, AND GET CAUGHT REPORTING FALSE INFORMATION OVER AND OVER, but are so invested in destroying Republicans and propping up Democrats that they don't care. Under the guise of "reporting" consistently false information, anonymous and often nonexistent sources, whatever it takes to smear Trump and other Republicans, rather than neutral objectivity and just reporting the facts. As Attkisson says, the formerly clear line between investigative "news" and "editorial" is now non-existent in the mainstream liberal media.

Sharyl Attkisson is not a Republican or a conservative, she makes that clear. And in a dying journalistic standard, she is a reporter who consistently tries to hold truth to power for both sides with the same standard for both, even if it doesn't favor her own liberal views.

In other interviews I've seen of her, she says that she did the same kind of hard investigation of the George W. Bush administration for CBS, and the network loved her for what she dug up about the W. Bush administration. But then when she unpartisanly continued doing the exact same kind of investigation of the Obama administration, she found her stories edited and blunted, or delayed in being broadcast, or not broadcast at all. Until she finally broke her contract and left CBS in 2014. NOT to go to Fox News where she probably would have been welcomed and very well paid, but to less lucrative places where she could do neutral and unbiased reporting.
Likewise John Stossel.
Likewise Ron Kessler.
Likewise Lara Logan.
Likewise Bernard Goldberg.
These are all award winning journalists who left some of the most prestigious positions in broadcast news, who despite that they are liberals (or in John Stossel's case libertarian) they wanted to do objective news that holds leaders of both parties accountable. Despite that they are liberals, they were scorned by network leadership because they revealed in their books and interviews how the sausage is made in network news editorial offices. These reporters were forced as a matter of integrity to leave, because they insisted on being neutral and accurate, and refused to just become a propaganda wing for the Democrats.

Look at Sharyl Attkisson's record!


This is a highly accomplished, highly awarded journalist, who spent to bulk of her 40 year career at CNN and CBS news. You can't badmouth her as a hack or a conservative partisan. That shoe just doesn't fit.
But typical of the Left, you would like to smear and destroy her just because she doesn't conform to your Bolshevik party's talking points. Her integrity is not useful to your party, therefore she has to be cancelled and destroyed.