Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
She can call herself whatever she wants. It’s pretty clear she’s a darling among folks like yourself. Looking at her reporting from the Obama years compared to Trump’s says it all. Trump downplayed the pandemic, had super spreader events, got sick and she managed to find the most pro-trump take on it. On the other hand with Obama if she couldn’t find a photo of Obama the night of the Benghazi attacks, that was suspicious. She didn’t see anything suspicious during Trump’s 4 years? And as foreign countries used social media to attack our democracy she questions why now there is fact checks on these platforms.

I don't see any facts you cite.

She's an objective journalist, she cited objective examples of media bias. I don't see the slightest evidence to back your slander that she's a right-wing partisan.

Attkisson talked about maintaining objectivity and journalistic ethics, regardless of the reporters' own politics. That it is the ONLY way news reporting can be trusted. And she cited, by those objective standards, how blatantly unhinged media reporters in the Trump era have become. How they openly advocate partisan activism over reporting, how an NYU journalism professor in a published editorial openly advocated partisanship and a lack of objectivity by reporters.
How can Attkisson be labelled as having conservative bias, for simply QUOTING liberal media reporters OPENLY STATING their bias ?!?

It's crystal clear here who has a bias, and it's not Sharyl Attkisson.

Similarly over the last 20 years, liberal media reporters like Bernard Goldbeg, Lara Logan and Ron Kessler have said if they did 10 years ago what these liberal reporters now do every day, they would have been fired instantly, by these same liberal media sources, such as the New York Times, Politico, CNN, or Washington Post. Saying in the recent past these sources previously had journalistic ethics, but now no longer do. QUOTED IN THEIR OWN SELF-INCRIMINATING WORDS. For Attkisson to simply quote them saying these things is not bias, and does not make her "right wing".