Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
I’m just judging her from her work over the Trump administration so you trying to say I called her evil is just flat out not true. From what I’ve seen, she reported on the Trump WH far differently than Obama’s. It’s not even a case of easing up on criticism for Trump. I don’t see virtually any. What I saw from examining some of Attkisson’s reporting as it concerns trump ranged from her letting us know she felt trump probably secured a second term and compared him to Superman when he got Covid after hosting several super spreader events. Again if I missed anything resembling her previous work or her current work now that it’s Biden in the WH please link it and I’ll check it out.

Asked and answered. See above. Your version doesn't even resemble the stated facts.

And I did link the alleged "Trump/Superman" article you mentioned. You were not even close to what she actually said. She gave a one-line joke about "super-immunity" or prolonged immunity to Covid, that Trump may or may not have.