If Attkisson making a one-liner joke about Trump having super-immunity to Covid making him a Superman is the extent of your evidence, then you clearly have no case for that.

Again, Attkisson self-identifies in her 56-minute video as a "left-leaning" journalist. The extent of her defense of Trump is citing the true facts in cases of journalistic malpractice against Trump, not praising his policies. She only points out the parameters of good journalism, and where journalists, even from the former prestigious heights of New York Times, Washington Post, Politico, CNN (a station that while I always considered it liberal, at least had some journalistic standards until the era of Obama and Trump), and the lower hanging fruit at MSNBC, Vox, Yahoo News, and the like, have plummeted to. Where their "news" article look like something from a partisan blog rather than a major news source, with no self restraint calling Trump an infant, a child, a liar, comparing him to Hitler, and so forth in unhinged completely unprofessional language and insults.

I looked at a few of her columns recently, beyond criticizing the media for its standards in general from the example of their Trump coverage, I've never seen her actually praise Trump or his policy.
