Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
I looked at her work WB and if there’s something that looks like it falls outside the conservative narrative please share it. I get why you like her and she has a safe space on a conservative broadcaster though.

I posted a 60-minute lecture where Sharyl Attkisson picked apart story after story from the mainstream media, citing the factual errors, their unprofessional violation of journalistic ethics, and time after time writers and articles cited when caught saying blatantly false and disproven things, just re-wrote the articles, or completely wiped them from their websites.
That is LITERALLY to the letter what workers at the Ministry of Truth did in Orwell's 1984 novel.

What Orwell wrote as a warning is what the Leftist media now uses as a how-to manual !
They (and you) are utterly without shame.

It’s still hard to believe you’ve read that book and truly comprehend it’s meaning.

It's hard to believe YOU'VE read it, M E M. You cheer on censorship and authoritarianism with astonishing zeal.
You daily repeat whatever your party's Orwellian lying talking points are, no matter how absurd and how PROVEN to be untrue.

Originally Posted by M E M
The media is full of individuals and different owners. It’s an important part of democracy. That’s why Trump and you guys hate it. You can’t control it. You have posted only stuff from her that trumpers love that would fit into Trump’s ministry of truth. She treated the Trump WH differently like an advocate. Trump and his cult doesn’t tolerate truly independent reporting.

That's hilarious. The media is full of something, but those individuals have a remarkable hive-mind in their malicious abuse of power to destroy Trump, and Republicans in general, and really, ANY dissenting conservative thought. And in examples like former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI), and Sharyl Attkisson, or former CBS reporter Bernard Goldberg, or former VP candidate and Senator Joseph Lieberman(D-CT). Even within your own party, any dissenting thinker have to be shut down and destroyed. The only "diversity" you and other Democrat/Left types respect is those that agree with you. And you are Hell-bent on destroying the tiny pockets who disagree with you.

I don't have to defend Sharyl Attkisson, she has laid out in great detail with quoted examples the unethical journalistic malpractice the mainstream media is involved in. And I notice the 56-minute Youtube video I linked has been deleted. Probably because you and Leftist Bolsheviks like you deceitfully complained about it till Youtube took it down. And Youtube is run by more Bolsheviks like yourselves, who are eager to use a complaint to take down dissenting views that interfere with their/your lying narrative.
You can't win a debate on journalistic ethics.
Sharyl Attkisson's 56-minute explanation has cited very detailed quoted examples that expose the Democrat/Left-aligned media's blatant lies. So unable to debate her facts, you go the Orwellian route and erase it from history, so you don't HAVE to debate it. And broadly without specifics slander her as "a Republican partisan", despite that she has described herself as "left-leaning", and one in spirit with another acclaimed award-winning liberal journalist Glenn Greenwald. So your side deletes her facts. You airbrush her out of history, in exactly the way Orwell described.

Orwell in 1984 allegorically describes Stalinism, and that is precisely what your vicious party now worships and emulates: Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Castro, the Sandinistas, Hugo Chaves, Che. And I've linked text and video of dozens of Clinton and Obama officials quoting these genocidal Marxists. Bill and Hillary Clinton. Both Obamas. Valerie Jarrett. Bernie Sanders. A O-C and her "squad".
They worship them !
This is what your party leaders worship, and what they are emulating in their own strong-arm tactics. What they are fanatically trying to turn this country into in the last 100 days: An authoritarian marxist utopia, where at great threat no one can disagree with them.
Donald Trump, Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn, Roger Stone, and now Rudy Giuliani are prime examples of that.
As well as anyone who comes forward as a witness against your Bolshevik party, such as standing up as a witness against Nov 2020 election fraud, or the shop owner who exposed the hard-drive e-mails and photos on Hunter Biden's laptop, or who simply wants to verify the legitimacy of the Nov 2020 election with an audit. But that is not allowed, and your side (the unholy alliance of the liberal media, the Democrat Central Committee, and the Big Tech monopolies) will crush anyone who steps out of line. In terms of government (IRS, FBI, DOJ, State Dept, NEA, DHS) , the news media, and now Big Tech, your side has 90% of the power.

But incredibly, despite the crushing abuse of that power, 51% of this country (including 48% of independents and 30% of Democrats) are still is not afraid to say they think the Nov 2020 election was rigged and want an audit of the vote in every state. Your side is terrified, because they CHEATED.
In 2000 and 2004 and 2016, when Democrats demanded a re-count, myself and other Republicans said sure, whatever, go ahead. And I was actually curious if they could prove fraud. GO AHEAD !

But it's telling that your side doesn't allow that same accountability in 2020, and fights and intimidates those who want that accountability, every step of the way. They block conservatives' Twitter and Facebook accounts to prevent them from passing on information to other Republicans. They even shut down the social media accounts of the NEW YORK POST (the nation's second largest newspaper) toward that goal, to prevent N Y POST from informing millions of voters about Hunter Biden's laptop, and the clear pay-to -play of Joe Biden with Ukraine, Russia and China revealed in those e-mails.
As I've said, every audit and re-count of Nov 2020 permitted has shown massive Democrat fraud, in Georgia, in Michigan, in New Hampshire, in Montana, and now Arizona. The Democrat Bolshevik Party is terrified of daylight and the truth. They are sinister creatures that only function well in darkness.