
The best possible leftist spin of the facts by Yahoo and Axios, which incredibly rationalizes this Spaceforce commanding officer deserved to be removed because he is spun as just a self-promoter, who opposed "diversity" [rather than his opposing Marxism and America-hating "Critical Race Theory", as is the true situation] :


A commander in the Space Force was removed from his post on Friday following comments he made while promoting his self-published book, which argues that Marxist ideologies are becoming common in the military, reports Military.com.

The big picture: During an appearance on The Steve Gruber prodcast this month, Lt Col. Matthew Lohmeier said that since becoming a commander he has witnessed "fundamentally incompatible and competing narratives of what America was, is and should be," proliferate through the U.S. military, according to CNN.

"I had recognized those narratives as being Marxist in nature," he added.

When pressed for an example, he mentioned the The New York Times' 1619 project —which has drawn Republican ire — and said it was "un-American," per CNN.

Then, during an appearance on the "Information Operation" podcast last week, Lohmeier decried what he perceived as the infiltration of leftist ideologies through American society, including in the media, universities, and the military, per Military.com.

He added that diversity and inclusion trainings are divisive.

What they're saying: "This decision was based on public comments made by Lt. Col. Lohmeier in a recent podcast," a Space Force spokesperson told Military.com, adding that an investigation has been opened on "whether these comments constituted prohibited partisan political activity."

A Defense Department official told CNN that the decision was taken due to a "loss of trust and confidence in his ability to lead."

Lohmeier told Military.com he had consulted with his superiors and sought legal clearance before releasing the book.

"I was apprised of the option to have my book reviewed at the Pentagon's prepublication and security review prior to release, but was also informed that it was not required," Lohmeier said.

So far-Left anti-Americanism and Marxism has infected the Democrat party, the White House, the IRS, CIA, DOJ and FBI, and now the Pentagon military leadership as well.

God help us all.

The people who are supposed to be protecting us from foreign enemies, from foreign enemy counterintelligence, from foreign-orchestrated division and insurrection, are now the ones weaponizing those U.S. government intelligence and law enforcement agencies against their Republican opposition.
Even within the U.S. military !
They are no longer the ones protecting us, but the ones making sure Cultural Marxist enemy counterintelligence and messaging is indoctrinated into the American people, and into those serving under their military command.

And anyone in our government or military who even expresses pro-American, or nationalist, or otherwise conservative points of view, who dares to explain the inherent threat to the nation of that Marxist ideology, and identifies its insideous branch forms, will be fired.
There is increasingly no difference, either in ideology, tactics, messaging, intimidation or use of force, between the Democrat/Left and the Chinese Communist Party.