
Just a small sampling of all the news stories the liberal media got wrong in the last 4 years or so:

Gutfeld, on media embracing lying whistleblower - May 21 2021

Rebekah Jones, the Florida Health department employee who accused Gov. DeSantis of forcing her to alter the true number of Covid-19 cases.
Sleazy porn lawyer Michael Avenatti's false allegations, before he proved himself a liar.
Julie Swetnick and now-Justice Brett Kavanaugh's other lying Democrat-zealot accusers.
Jussie Smollett, and his two "white racist" black attackers, who Smollett PAID BY CHECK for the fake attack!
And 4 years of "Russia collusion" media stories, that the FBI, House Democrats, and much of the media knew was false from the start, but propagandized anyway.
Plus Anthony Scaramucci, who got himself fired by Trump, and has vindictively backed every false narrative against Trump ever since.

That's not including all the times the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN and many other media groups have been caught red-handed getting it wrong and/or completely fabricating a story with fake sources, and either quietly deleting or altering the story later, rather than making an honest retraction (as cited by Sharyl Attkisson again in her 56 minute video on the decline and "woke"-ification of liberal media as a willing propaganda tool of the Democrat/Left), rather than objective news coverage.

And so many more examples.
The Michael Brown "hands up, don't shoot" narrative.
The "George Zimmerman is a right-wing Tea Party racist" (he was actually an Obama-voting Democrat of Ecuadoran hispanic origin, with Jewish and black racial history who tutored black kids).
The Aurora, Colorado movie theatre shooter was "outed" by CBS as a Tea Party member (it was actually another person's page on Facebook by the same name, much older than the shooter, that any decent journalist would have confirmed before going on-air. )

And the current lying "January 6th INSURRECTION" lying narrative, "the worst attack on the Capitol since the Civil War". Yeah... except y'know, 9-11-2001, or an attack in 1998 where two Capitol police officers were killed inside the capitol by some lone nut shooter, or a larger attack during the Brett Kavanaugh nomination. And except for the fact that, as FBI assistant director of anti-terrorism Jill Sanborn affirmed in Senate hearings, NOT ONE firearm of any kind was confiscated on Jan 6th in or around the Capitol grounds. Pretty hard to have an "armed insurrection" without any arms. No, it was just a riot by a handful of unrepresentative misfits, INCLUDING John Earle Sullivan and his group of BLM/Antifa chaos instigators, who deliberately provoked the ONLY shooting death that day, of Ashli Babbitt., by a Capitol police officer who remains un-named, and un-punished, despite clear excessive force, videotaped by 2 people, from 2 different angles.

But when someone like, say, M EM sources any of these "news" organizations of Trump-hating liberal zealots, who openly say IT'S THEIR JOB to advance the liberal narrative no matter what, I take all the above into consideration.