
Because the Democrat/Left doesn't have any opinion shows?!?
Chris Cuomo, Don Lemon, Chris Hayes, Rachel Maddow, Joy Reid are just a few of the partisan lunatics ranting factless propaganda as if it were actual information.
Opinion news is far from just "a conservative thing". And at least conservative opinion cites verifiable supporting facts.

There is absolutely no separation between opinion and news on CNN and MSNBC, and increasingly on the other networks, including previously highly respected (even by me) PBS!
For a long time my news of choice (as is obvious on these boards in those years) was the PBS News Hour from 1981-2008, until they very obviously became a shameless wing of the Obama campaign, and my watching (at that time in 2008) CNN and Fox and PBS News Hour, consistently demonstrated in 2008 that PBS was selectively omitting stories of anything that negatively impacted the Obama campaign (Rev. Jeremiah Wright, William Ayers, Obama's cultural marxist history, Obama's plan to "jeopardize U.S. military superiority", Obama's plan to create a cap and trade system under which "energy prices would necessarily skyrocket", Obama endorsing on video racist Professor Derrick "hate whitey" Bell, and others).

A few years later PBS hired the poisonous Jamiche Alcindor, and that just solidified that PBS has become a partisan factless liberal propaganda network to rival CNN, that is now even less serious about objective hard news at this point. Oh, for the days of 2007 and prior !

In the examples I've linked from Fox, where opinion news cites actual facts and expands from that base, I appreciate what is said. Opinion news can be useful in understanding full context and overview of the larger issue, vs. the smaller incremental pieces in daily news.

CNN's ratings plummet as media avoids critical coverage of Biden Judge Jeanine Pirro Saturday, June 19 2021

Judge Jeanine Pirro in her opening commentary can often get on the cocky and scolding side, but this segment demonstrates well that even her show (particularly relevant in contrast to the absolute garbage on CNN and MSNBC) presents the facts before offering commentary.
Pirro here shows clips of Joe Biden's angry defensiveness at multiple press conferences over many months, as a way to deflect criticism and questions that the same (80% liberal) press would NEVER let Trump or any other Republican get away with.

It demonstrates with quoted examples the softballs thrown at Biden and other Democrats, vs. the previous smears based on nothing launched by the same reporters at Trump and other Republicans for four years

Especially on legal issues, I respect Jeanine Pirro, because she has been a prosecutor, a district attorney, and a judge, and actually started the sex crimes division in New York state to further give protection and a voice to the victims of those crimes.
Similarly Laura Ingraham, who despite ostensibly being just "opinion", Ingraham clerked for Clarence Thomas within the U S Supreme Court, and often has on prominent legal scholars like Alan Dershowitz, Whitewater special investigation prosecutors Kenneth Starr and Robert Ray, and several former DOJ and FBI directors and assistant directors. So even if you try to dismiss them as just "opinions", they are among the most informed opinions in the country, about special investigations, Supreme Court nominations, high profile trials and their legal options, and impeachment trials.

Monica Crowley has been away from Fox for a while, and hers is among the most intelligent commentary, that I missed before her return. Again, while she gives opinion, she gives it in context of the larger quantifiable facts, and the liberal media's obvious difference in coverage of Democrats vs. of Republicans, ANY Democrats and ANY Republicans, not just Trump vs. Biden coverage. Although liberal bias and double-standard is becoming increasingly shameless and impossible to ignore.

Joe Concha is likewise a media expert, and cites statistical facts and media ratings numbers, cites polls of both viewers and reporters, and cites specific stories and examples relevant to Biden coverage, and with specific example shows the contrast in liberal media coverage of Democrats vs. Republicans. And of the (overwhelmingly liberal) opinions of news reporters and how they project a lying factless narrative that contradicts the actual facts, to favor the Democrat party. Often with a liberal media narrative that is opposite the actual verifiable facts.

When I watch CNN or MSNBC, their news opinion almost always presents no facts. They begin with a comment that Trump is a baby, or Trump is a child or an infant, with no supporting facts, and then go on into more insults and speculation of how Trump is like Putin or Hitler. Narrative, with no supporting examples or evidence.

Gee, I missed the day where Trump committed genocide on Americans or even on foreign nationals.

It is factually true that Trump avoided another costly foreign war in Iran that his advisors and Democrats tried to push him into, thus saving both American and Iranian lives. Meanwhile that same media, like most of the Democrat/Left, worships Leftist murderers like Lenin, Stalin, Hugo Chavez, Castro, and Mao, and even repeats the Anti-American talking point of the Chinese Communist party.
I could link it, but you can easily Google or DuckDuckgo the articles that show how CNN literally verbatim repeats the talking points about the U.S. from Chinese Communist media. Other articles you can google show that many "respected" liberal media newspapers such as the New York Times, Washington Post, Politico and USA Today, include Chinese paid-for insert sections that are straight-up Chinese propaganda made to appear like actual mainstream print news. That these newspapers are eager to print and receive huge profits for. They appear to be news, but are in fact pure Chinese communist party Anti-American propaganda. Par for the course for the liberal media as well, eager to proselytize the talking points and Marxist/Socialist messaging of the Chinese Communist Party. And these private American print and broadcast media outlets are run by people who worship the authoritarian tactics of many authoritarian communist regimes, and themselves use CCP-style propaganda narrative tactics, intimidating and silencing any dissenting thought. Those are quantifiable and easily sourced facts.