
My facts, vs. your baseless insinuating propaganda lies, M E M.

And I love how your side digs up one lone leftist Capitol police officer, to feed your side exactly the narrative the Left wants to hear. There aren't dozens of officers coming forward to say this, there's ONE GUY creating this narrative, playing the victim.

In the "FIVE PEOPLE KILLED BY WHITE SUPREMACIST TRUMP SUPPORTERS" narrative, every word of that talking points headline I already deconstructed as a proven complete lie. The only person killed that day was Ashli Babbitt, by an overzealous Capitol police officer for no valid reason.
And the corrupt Democrat-partisan Capitol police, liberal media, and even the DC coroner's office who deliberately prolonged Brian Sicknick's autopsy to keep the lying narrative about his death alive, ALL conspired to tell this lie.

Add to that how most of the violence that occurred that day was demonstrably done under a false flag, attempting to blame the violence on Trump supporters. Both BLM/Antifa, and the Boogaloos anarchist leftists whose leader openly attacked Trump that day ALL DAY on social media.
And the 20 or so Democrat-weaponized "un-indicted co-conspirator" FBI agents who separately ALSO tried to frame Trump supporters.

Violence that all these other groups planned and committed, and attempted to get Trump supporters to go along with. I can't wait till these FBI agents are forced to testify in hearings as to what they were doing, and how they planned everything they are trying to blame Trump supporters for. The true facts are coming out a little more every week, despite the Democrat Bolsheviks who run your party, and their brethren in the DOJ/FBI doing their damnedest to bury it. It's coming out anyway. And as I cited in multiple examples over the last 10 years, this kind of false-flag deception is par for the course for how the Democrat party operates, and with just as many examples, how the Bolshevik wing of the FBI operates as well.