


The Kraken has been released, and continues to thrash and destroy Biden's credibility. And not just in Arizona, but also in New Hampshire, in Montana, in Georgia, in Pennsylvania, in Michigan, in Wisconsin. The integrity of the vote audit in Maricopa County, Arizona has created a model for many other states to emulate and expand on in their own state audits. Pennsylvania appears to be next on the list to do an audit. More evidence in favor of Trump surfaces every day, which is why Democrats are hell-bent on suppressing a vote audit in Arizona and other states.

And as stated above, Biden only "won" Arizona by 11,000 fraudulent votes, whereas the overtly fraudulent votes that should never have been counted easily exceed 100,000, And when overturned in court, will show a clear victory for Trump in Arizona, and in other states to follow. As Peter Navarro laid out in his report, there is not a single one of the 6 contested states where the fraudulent votes that should have not been counted is 10- to 20-fold the margin of Biden's fraudulent narrow victory, that would decisively give each of those states to Trump. It is only by fraud and evasion that Democrats prevent this from occurring.


