Originally Posted by iggy
Honestly, Wondy, why support people who can't beat the fucking swamp?!?

Think about it, you delusional fuckwad. You're orange jesus can't do shit to stop it. He's impotent. Sad!

And, yet, you grovel before him like his hapless ass can save you. Pathetic!

That's your fucking facts and logic. Worshipping a failed savior like a fucking lemming.

Fucking wanker.

The Democrats lost in actual numbers in Nov 2020. That should have been an overwhelming trump victory, if not for voter fraud. The election was rigged. The Democrats under cover of darkness pulled it off. But now light has been shined on that corruption, and the deceitful methods of rigging the last election can't be repeated in 2024.
And It's still possible that the overwhelming and increasing evidence of fraud can be brought to the U S Supreme Court, and the 2020 Biden steal can be overturned before 2024. I seriously doubt a majority of the U S S C justices have the courage to do that, but the evidence is there for that to occur. I would like to be pleasantly surprised. If there is enough evidence, and enough popular pressure, they might see the case. Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito wanted to the first time. If Kavanaugh, Coney-Barret, and Gorsuch join them (all Trump appointments), that's a majority of the Court. And God forbid, that John Roberts might actually join them and make it 6.
Even without the U S S C, there is a steady stream of pro-Trump wins in lower courts, such as Arizona, Georgia, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin. The audits, and the pressure of evidence of election fraud, is growing.

I don't "grovel" or "worship", I'm not a "lemming" following a "failed savior", you piece of excrement. I voted hesitantly for Trump in 2016, not sure what he could accomplish, and he achieved beyond my wildest dreams what I thought any president could do in one term. More than any other president of our lifetime, kept more of his promises than any other president, done more to strengthen and rebuild our nation than any president since Ronald Reagan. Trump is more popular now than on election day. Biden has steadily destroyed our nation from within for 6 months, and counting. And I'll never be prepared to just surrender our country to the Bolsheviks. You're a coward who wants to be like a jew in Auschwitz, cooperating with the nazis so you'll be the last one killed.
You don't deserve citizenship, you piece of shit.