Originally Posted by Wonder Boy

This one somehow escaped my notice at the time:


A guy who group-strategized to post internet memes to trick 4,700 or so Clinton voters to "vote by text", so their votes wouldn't count is arrested by the FBI, and potentially faces 10 years in jail for doing so.
But (as shown in photos of the texts) the person responding from the Hillary Clinton campaign did THE EXACT SAME THING to Trump voters (example memes shown). But the FBI isn't arresting her. So it's a one-sided Biden-administration weaponized FBI, that only targets Republicans, and gives a free pass to Democrats for the exact same thing.

An even better posted observation by someone else, shown at the end of the article:

This is insane. Hillary Clinton paid a foreign operative [former MI-6 agent Christopher Steele ] to defraud the FBI, which then defrauded a federal [FISA] court, to sway the 2016 election. No charges there. But a vile internet troll who peddled a dumb meme in 2016? That’s a federal crime in 2021. https://t.co/Rq322uMuTW

— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) January 27, 2021

Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
It escaped your attention WB because your party switched gears to attack Biden. Trump and company ended investigating Clinton after he became President. The decades of investigating both Clintons for everything served its purpose. Now it’s time I think we get the orange fat fucker under oath for a couple of hours of questioning.

I don't see how you got to what you said from what I linked and posted. I showed a double-standard, where 1) a Democrat WHO DID THE EXACT SAME THING as the guy arrested by the FBI for creating online memes to mislead voters, was not arrested, but the Republican was.
and 2) How Hillary Clinton and an army of others at Perkins-Coie lawfirm, Fusion GPS, Christopher Steele and his operatives, along with agents in the FBI and DOJ, **ALL** conspired to rig the 2016 presidential election, forged documents, framed Trump officials, falsified evidence presented to a federal judge to get FOUR illegal FISA warrants, and maliciously prosecuted Trump officiaals based on false evidence, and dragged on those false investigations to influence the 2018 and 2020 elections.

Trump gave Hillary Clinton a break in Jan 2017, didn't have DOJ investigate or prosecute her, in order to make peace with the Democrats. But even after that courtesy, the Democrat-Bolshevik party remained, and still remains, at TOTAL WAR with the Republicans, and far from ever making peace, the Democrats will seize any attempt to destroy Republicans, even as the Republicans make efforts to be bipartisan and re-establish civility. But there is no possibility to make peace with a party as radicalized and consumed with hatred as yours.

They want former Trump officials to be forced to make televised public confessions!
They want to prevent former Trump officials from ever being able to be employed again!
They want to take away Alan Dershowitz's law degree, just for defending Trump !
They took away Rudy Giuliani's law degree (temporarily) just for representing and defending Trump! And violated a number of laws to do so.

There is no attempt to make peace by Biden and the Democrat-Bolsheviks now, as there was by Trump in 2017. The Democrats clearly want to crush every last vestige of the Republican party, even Republican officers in our military, that they are by contrivance weeding out as "extremists", to fully consolidate a one-party system where they have absolute one-party power, akin to Soviet Russia, Communist China, Castro's Cuba, Hugo Chaves' Venezuela, all regimes many of the current Democrat leadership have expressed enthusiasm for, and who are openly emulating their tactics for seizing power by Marxist revolution, and consolidating absolute one-party power.

Your bit about "your party switched gears to attack Biden" is just so much misdirection and smoke.