Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
No widespread voter fraud has materialized.

You and other trumpers have no issues on election lies if you like them. Trump for example can keep repeating claims like a missing database in Arizona that is provably false.

All recounts have jibed with the official ones, even hand recounts.

You hate democracy and you and other trumpers will never fool me again that you value it.

What are you smoking? I've linked and sourced PLENTY of evidence. See above.
And the pending Maricopa County report is due out before the end of the month, and based on their forensic audit recount, multiple other states are planning to do similar election audits. It is an absolute fact that both the Maricopa County election board, and Dominion voter systems are jerking around and witholding evidence, that they are required by law to provide to the Arizona state senate who are conducting the audit.

There are audits done in New Hampshire, Montana and other states that have PROVEN there was tampering with the election machines in their states, and always in Joe Biden's favor.
Pennsylvania seems to be the next state to do a forensic audit of the election, with similar pushes to do the same in Georgia, Wisconsin, Nevada, and even in states that were not among the 6 contested states.
Lindell and his guests showed that voter fraud occurred in all 50 states on Biden's behalf, even when it was not enough to turn the state for Biden. Tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands of fraudulent votes in every state. I don't have to prove that, Lindell and the guests he had on, military experts in cyber-warfare, decades long experts in investigating corporate fraud, experts in computer security and cyber-crime, have all provided the evidence.
Along with hundreds of election volunteer witnesses, who have sworn statements to what they saw, under threat of perjury charges if they lied. And they did not. Some of them have been volunteers in every election for 20, 30 and 40 years. They know what a legitimate election looks like, and reported the fraud they saw. And instead of an actual investigation to prove or disprove what they exposed, corrupt officials just fired them. And FBI came and intimidated them, to withdraw their sworn statements. Does that sound the slightest bit like legitimate investigation or interest in the truth to you? The Democrat-Bolshevik machine is terrified of investigation, because they know the facts will not support them. If they were interested in the truth and confident an investigation would verify a legitimate election, they would allow one. That is why they are preventing an investigation every way they can.

Why were election recounts and audits perfectly fine in 2000, 2004, and 2016? Because it was audit of a Republican victory. And we said sure, fine, go ahead, because we were confident of the result. But your side in the 2020 election won't allow, and is obstructing a recount. Shredding ballots before the legally required 22 months of record keeping has expired. Stonewalling and not surrendering records, missing passwords and flash-drives, computer scans of ballots are all being with-held.
Why would your side obstruct a 2020 re-count? Only one reason: Because THEY KNOW they cheated, and THEY KNOW the evidence will expose how they rigged the votes.

There's already video evidence of election rigging at the Atlanta vote-counting center, and the Detroit voting center, where hundreds of thousands of votes were pulled out from under tables and illegally counted, the same Democrat votes were illegally scanned and counted multiple times, and huge trucks with bags of illegal votes were brought in, as soon as the Republican vote observers were tricked into leaving.
Mail-in ballot fraud.
Voting center fraud by Democrat vote counters.
Fraudulent votes in the names dead people.
Or in the names of people who no longer lived in states.
Or votes from phony names and fake addresses.
Votes cast in the names of people who don't normally vote, who then were unable to vote when they showed up on election day to vote.
And massive vote-flipping on Dominion voting machines, with "adjudication" changing Trump votes to Biden votes.
And remote access cyber-hacking to change votes.
Whether you like it or not, Mike Lindell and his guests presented evidence of all this. I regret that all this evidence could not have been presented on January 6th in a joint session of the House and Senate, and that then-Vice President Pence didn't authorize a delay of the electoral vote counting until 2 or 3 weeks of debate of this evidence could be debated on national television.

Even without that debate, that SHOULD have occurred at that pivotal time, the evidence is still getting out, and a large ratio of not just Republicans, but Independents and Democrats as well, think the election was rigged .
Those numbers are increasing, not decreasing.


The truth is, because you are a Democrat-Bolshevik partisan, M E M, you will always just repeat the lying talking points of the Democrat/Left, no matter how blatantly untrue.
YOU are the one who hates Democracy, as you support your Bolshevik party's attempts (S.B. 1 / H.R 1) to establish corrupt authoritarian one-party rule, and destroy our Constitution and its checks and balances on power.
Yours is the party of socialism, and often unapologetically outright communism, the party of hating America, the party of tearing down statues of our nation's founders, hating police, hating our military, and siding with the enemies of the United States, even parroting the enemy's talking points. The party of Antifa and Black Lives Matter and Critical Race Theory.

The evidence, however under-reported, is there to support what I say. Mike Lindell offers that $5 million to anyone who can disprove what he says, because he knows he has the evidence, and no one on the other side will ever be able to offer the proof to take that 5 million.
No matter what the evidence, America-hating Democrats will always allege it's never quite enough, no matter how much open and massive rigging of votes has been proven.
Even as Joe Biden and the Democrat-Bolsheviks burn this country to the ground.

The Chinese, the Russians, Iran, North Korea, the Mexican drug cartels, Hispanic gangs, human traffickers, the literally millions of new illegal immigrants, the Taliban, ISIS, Al Qaida, all LOVE a Biden presidency. This is their guy.