Steve Hilton's show, The Next Revolution last night in pretty much every segment gave a nice overview of the failures in Biden's administration:

Steve Hilton, 10-24-2021, Sunday

Although "incompetence" only half gets it right, because it's clear at this point that these are deliberate failures by figurehead Biden, and the puppet-masters in his administration who are truly running things. To the American people who see gas prices doubling, the collapse in Afghanistan, hyperinflation in food prices, huge layoffs of 30% or more due to vaccines that don't even prevent infection of spread of Covid, but are now mandating the layoff of already short -staffed police, fire, teachers, doctors, nurses, military, and other government and private sector employees, is a policy calculated to create chaos and collapse our society.

If Biden were a Russian or Chinese spy sent to destroy America, he and his Bolshevik administration could not be doing more damage to our country. And it is not by accident, it is by design. It is deliberate.

Steve Hilton gives an interesting alternative perspective on his show. He was previously an advisor to British prime minister David Cameron, so has the perspective of someone who has overseen things from the highest level of government. He also has run a business/tech company. His show is equally critical of Democrats, and of Republicans who are part of the same "swamp" of self-serving political ccorruption, who are more interested in cashing in on their political position than acting in the best interests of the nation and its people.
* Lisa Boothe's comments about how Biden's presidency has been built on lies from the very beginning, deliberately misrepresenting the true facts at every turn from the start, particularly resonated for me.
* Former ICE director Tom Homan detailing the actual extent of illegal immigration under Biden, deliberately hidden from the American people.
* Jonathan Turley, talking about the over-reach of federal power, "flipping of the script" of what was intended in the Constitution, destroying the checks and balances that are supposed to prevent creation of an authoritarian federal state.
* Merrick Garland's weaponization of the DOJ and FBI against Jan 6th protesters, and now against parents simply voicing opposition to critical race theory and mandatory Covid-19 vaccines for their children, re-branded by Garland as "domestic terrorists" and sending the FBI to intimidate an arrest them, to further silence first amendment political dissent.

A good overview of some, not all, of the crises the Biden Administration has deliberately created.