Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
See above response to your post WB. You deliberately claimed the officer was completely uninjured when in fact he was sprayed with enough chemicals to be incapacitated. You did that WB. If you have an issue with partisan liars than get yourself to a mirror and give yourself a good rinse of bear spray in the face. Than tell me if you felt it was an injury or not.

Here is Wikipedia's account, that is the liberal-media-narrative version and may or may not be fully correct, updated and accurate, but could never be mistaken for a "Right wing" media source:


Portions of this are new since the last time I looked at it, and the last time I looked, and on multiple news channels over many months, they said that the many hours of video footage did NOT show officer Brian Sicknick being either bludgeoned or sprayed (Sicknick, NOT "Strickland" as you posted in error, I actually thought you were talking about another officer) not being struck with an extinguisher, or sprayed with anything.
And regardless of what other officers say about Sicknick being pepper sprayed, he had fully recovered in the evening of January 6th and was joking around, perfectly healthy, with other officers back at the Capitol police station, when he suddenly collapsed.
And regardless of what Wikipedia and Associated Press and other liberal sources are still fronting, the autopsy (which was suspiciously delayed to keep alive the liberal bludgeoning/spraying narrative, even though Sicknick's body was released within days to his family AND CREMATED, so that no "further investigation" by the coroner's office was possible in the months after, HIGHLY suspicious in such a nationally publicized death, that the coroner's office alleged they were "still investigating"even after they'd handed over Sicknick's body to be cremated.

The coroner's office said simply that Sicknick died of a stroke, NOT by a chemical spray, even though the liberal media (and Wikipedia) is ambiguously keeping this narrative open by weasel-wording. There is no proof of that, and it was not included as a possible cause of death in the coroner's report. Sicknick's own brother said he was notified by the coroner January 8th (as I cited in a linked article 6 months ago) that his brother died of a stroke, PERIOD, regardless of the statements by Democrat-aligned senior officers in the Capitol police department, and Democrat-loyalist reporters in the liberal media.