

All because of Biden's demonstrated weakness on the international front.
The Russians are emboldened and confident that the U.S. under Biden will do nothing to stop Russia.

The Associated Press even reported that Biden talked to Ukraine and secretly asked them to cede the parts of Ukraine occupied by Russian separatists.

And meanwhile...


...China is flying about 150 military planes over Taiwan air space, in a clear precursor to a Chinese invasion. That again, Biden doesn't even voice any rhetoric to threaten retaliation if China does so.

Likewise Iran, that is going full speed ahead on an accelerated creation of weapons grade plutonium for weapons. I trust Israel to pre-emptively strike in their own defense, long before Biden would ever do anything to stop Iran. Far from it, the Democrat party at its core at this point is anti-Israel.
And many (Rashid Tlaib, Ilhan Omar...) rabidly antisemitic. Rep Lauren Boebert rightly called them the "Jihad squad". These are U.S. Representatives who literally travelled to Israel and the Palestinian territories and met with terrorist leaders. Whose trip to Israel, it was later revealed, was partially funded by Islamic terrorism backers. And they have the audacity to call for Rep. Boebert's removal from committees, after their own rabid anti-Americanism, Islamic radicalism, antisemitism, and open treason. The irony is staggering.

We don't have to fight a war with any of these countries, we just have to make clear we'll provide Taiwan and Ukraine with weapons, missiles, and other logistical support so they can defend themselves. I frankly think Taiwan should have developed a nuclear weapons program years ago. They are a sane nation that could be trusted with a nuclear deterrent, and that would insure China doesn't invade Taiwan.

Keep in mind that Hunter Biden (Joe Biden's bag-man) received $3.5 million from the wife of Moscow's mayor (a personal friend of Vladimir Putin).
And keep in mind Hunter Biden (again the bag-man) received $1.5 billion from the Bank of China (which is to say the Chinese Communist Party) to invest, of which Hunter Biden's windfall is estimated to be at least 20 million dollars. A deal that the finest investors on Wall Street have never been offered by the Bank of China, strange that China would offer that to a drug addict with a further addiction to strippers and hookers, who was thrown out of the U.S. military right after his father pulled strings to get Hunter Biden in, when he shouldn't have qualified in the first place to enlist. THIS is the person China trusted with $1.5 billion.
With 20 to 50% in these Hunter Biden deals with Russia and China set aside for "the big guy" (Joe Biden) , as Hunter has described in the e-mails on his missing laptop as percentages that "pop" regularly takes from Hunter's bag-man activities, supporting the entire Biden family, for decades. Plus supporting any number of hookers, strip club dancers, and at least one illegitimate child by one stripper, that Biden for all his wealth tried to evade supporting, until said impregnated stripper sued him for paternity.

As with the Clinton Foundation, these payments from Russia and China to Hunter Biden are a clear "pay to play" operation. As is Hunter Biden's exorbitantly priced art painting business, canvasses selling for more than those the finest living artists' paintings sell for.
With both Hunter Biden's paintings, and $1.5 billion from the Bank of China, it's clear that what's for sale is influence over president Biden, not financial payment for Hunter Biden's talent.

I increasingly think President Joe Biden is the ultimate Benedict Arnold, paid to sell out the United States to Russia and China. And these are just the treasonous payoff millions that we know about, that have been pipelined through Hunter Biden. This is the damage that Joe Biden has done to the country, in barely 11 months. If these corrupt Bolsheviks are permitted to remain in power, they could kill us all, or at the very least collapse the nation.

And what's the alternative if Biden is removed or resigns?
Kamala Harris?
Nancy Pelosi?
Name one person in the current presidential line of succession who could be trusted to lead the nation and protect us.

China Russia, Iran, North Korea, Al Qaida, ISIS, or internally Black Lives Matter, Antifa and the rest of the domestic Soros-funded insurrectionist Left ALL see we are completely unprotected, and that they have 3 more years to run wild.
This invites a world war. And/or a n internal Bolshevik revolution.
Whether by incompetence or design, we are completely unprotected.

I see evidence it is by design. Not by Biden or Harris, but by their puppetmasters in the shadows. THEY, not Biden, are the ones who orchestrated the Afghanistan collapse, orchestrated the vaccine mandates, the weaponization of the DOJ and FBI, the Jan 6th hoax, and now the handing over of Ukraine and Taiwan, on the way to handing over the United States itself. The nation is in great peril.