Do you have the right equipment? It's time to plan your live shopping session in great detail. It should be engaging, dynamic and friendly, without gaps or confusing moments UK Phone Number Database List. To do this, think about the products you are going to present, in what order and how to put them forward.

Work on UK Phone Number Database List successful arguments, for example using storytelling techniques . Create a script that you will use as a guide on D-Day, with the approximate time to dedicate to each article UK Phone Number Database List. This does not mean that you cannot improvise based on customer questions, but improvisation must be mastered! A live shopping session can last between 20 minutes and 1 hour depending on the format and type of product. Beyond that, you risk losing your audience.

A live video shopping session is like a shoot: the background is decisive! Avoid streaming from a crowded area with lots of objects in the background. Choose a relatively neutral place, with a colored background or a pretty plant for example, or a decor that highlights your brand UK Phone Number Database List. Because the star of your stream must be the product! Keep in mind the goal: to have people buy! Also, consider the fact that buyers will likely be on mobile, with a smaller screen size. As such, it is better to avoid too wide shots. Do not hesitate to test your set-up in advance to check the rendering.