After over 5 years of the FBI and DOJ maliciously targeting Trump for any half-baked allegation they could manufacture, in the process breaking laws as they tried to forge evidence (convicted FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith, who altered a CIA letter about Trump campaign foreign policy aide Carter Page, forged falsified evidence to file *FOUR* consecutive FISA warrants from a federal FISA judge, to spy on Carter Page's communications, and through him surveil communications of the entire Trump campaign staff, of the entire elected Trump transition team, and of an inaugurated President Trump and his staff IN THE WHITE HOUSE.

And the Democrat-weaponized FBI further sent moles into Trump's campaign, such as Russian Lawyer Natalya Veselnitskaya sent to Donald Trump Jr, Stefan Halper sent to smear Michael Flynn, and Josef Mifsud sent to campaign aide George Pappadapoulos, as fake "Russian assets" offering fake illegal Hillary Clinton emails from alleged Russian agents to Trump campaign officials, to entrap them into doing something illegal, that they had no interest in.
Effort after effort to trick Trump campaign officials into doing something illegal.
But Trump officials never took the bait.

And on top of that you have the New York state attorney general Leticia James, who is going after Donald Trump not on a specific charge, but basically fishing for whatever she can manufacture to maliciously harass him.

Likewise the U.S. state atttorneys' Southern District of New York.

That's a lot of state guns aimed at Trump, someone who doesn't even have the whiff of having committed any crime.