

The Obama administration weaponized the George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin case, to create a racially divisive narrative, to splinter the country along racial lines, just to rally the black base for Barack Obama and get him re-elected in 2012.
We kind of already knew this all along from the beginning. But here is a journalist who tracked down the evidence that the Obama adminstration not only exploited the situation, but manufactured and stoked it from the very start.

Can we believe ANYTHING the Democrat-Bolshevik party tells us?
That's a rhetorical question, the answer is no. They are truly evil, the lying narratives and orchestrated destruction of the country they are inflicting, on all of us, just to leverage themselves into power. And their stated goal is one-party "socialist" (in truth Marxist) rule. Their STATED desire to put Republicans in gulags.
Robert Reich, former Clinton cabinet official, said in a televised news broadcast: We need to force Trump officials to give televised public confessions of their alleged crimes , in a way reminiscent of Salinist or Maoist purges.

And (as videotaped by Project Veritas, multiple Democrat campaign officials, of multiple Democrat leaders, but especially virtually all senior Bernie Sanders officials and volunteers) Democrat staffers openly talk about wanting to put Republicans in gulags, or many even to exterminate Republicans.
Democrats want to (Project Veritas again, from a videotaped high-level PBS lawyer) have HHS take away the children of Republicans and raise them with liberal foster parents, to indoctrinate them away from their parents' values, and into the "right" way of thinking.
Jennifer Rubin of the New York Times: "We need to destroy the Republican party so completely, it can never come back."

These are not low-level people at the fringes, these are the Democrat campaign elite, the liberal media elite, cabinet members of the Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden administrations. There are multiple Biden nominees who want to weaponize government, use the FCC to take all conservative news stations off of cable, use the federal reserve and federal control of the U.S. financial system to annihilate the oil, coal and natural gas industries.

The Democrat leadership is evil, pure and simple. From their own self-incriminating videotaped words.
And this manufacturing and stoking of racial division over the Trayvon Martin case in 2012, just to get Obama re-elected on a platform of hate, is just yet another example of just how evil they are.