Did anyone listen to Biden's State of the Union on Tuesday night?

It was 1 hour and 2 minutes of unintentional comedy gold.
The blatantly untrue things said, polar opposite the truth, the weird stuttering and grasping for words by Biden, even straining to just read the words from the teleprompter.

I burst out laughing when he said "Not de-fund the police, FUND THE POLICE!" As if he and his Bolshevik-left party haven't been saying the exact opposite for the last two years.

Likewise, I couldn't restrain the laughter when Biden said : "We need to secure the border!", at which the Democrat trained seals stood up and clapped.
As if these Democrat lunatics haven't been undermining border security for the last 5 years,.
As if they haven't willfully let in over 2 million illegals in the last year, since Biden was inaugurated,.
Not even screening illegals for Covid, not even screening out and deporting criminals, letting in every drug trafficker, human trafficker, child rapist and murderer, and we've seen in the news all the lives destroyed by these criminals who should never have even been in this country to prey on U.S. citizens. Enabled by Biden and his corrupt party, who have tried to abolish ICE, and to undermine and demoralize the Border Patrol at every turn.
"We need to secure the border," right.

It was pointed out by Tucker Carlson and others that Biden talked more about protecting Ukraine's borders than about protecting the borders and people of the United States. That Democrats at the SOTU address costumed themselves in Ukraine flag pins, but none of them wore an American flag.

And that even in the case of Ukraine, that Biden and the Democrats give lip service to protecting, they've sat on their hands since November 2021 while Putin built up 130,000 troops on the Ukranian border,. Unlike Trump, Biden (and Obama in his 8 years prior) never sent the Ukrainians the guns, ammunition and artillery to defend themselves. Only now, when Ukraine is on the brink of destruction does Biden give lip service to defending Ukraine. If Biden had simply armed Ukraine in advance over the last year to defend themselves, this alone would have deterred this Russian invasion from ever occurring.

As it is, I thought even before this invasion ever began, that Putin has 70% of his military in Ukraine. He is over-extended. He can conquer Ukraine, but he cannot occupy it, at least not for long. If Russia tries to occupy Ukraine, they will be picked off by Ukraine geurilla defenders every day until they leave.

The morale is already low among the Russian conscript soldiers even in the first days of the Ukraine invasion. Many of them didn't even know in advance they were being deployed for a Ukraine invasion, let alone bombing and slaughtering civilians. Many are surrendering, or deliberately dragging their heels to avoid entering cities where the combat will be fierce. Only 8 days in, the Russians already have about 600 dead and 1600 wounded. And possibly 4 or 5 times the casualties as the official reported numbers. Flat tires, supply and fuel issues slowing advance, tanks and trucks breaking down, a 40-mile line of tanks and artillery that hasn't moved in 72 hours. It's an embarassment for Putin.
But Putin a few days ago ordered his nuclear forces on high alert. So anything could happen at this point. A bluff, that could go wrong, and result in a nuclear war no one wanted.
And all because Biden showed a level of incredible foreign policy weakness, that gave Russia the green light to invade.

And China is on the sidelines, also emboldened, waiting to see how fierce the opposition is toward Russia, before China goes ahead with its own invasion of Taiwan.
Iran on the brink of completing their nukes, already threatening Israel.
North Korea stepping up its aggression as well, firing missiles over Japan and South Korea.

Hyperinflation domestically, 7% in just a year, a spiking double of oil costs, the infuriating collapse of Afghanistan, all a direct result of Biden's bad decisions (and/or the puppetmasters who run things because Biden is incompetent to do so himself.)
NONE of this would be happening if Donald Trump were still president.

Also fun to watch in Biden's address were Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, who both awkwardly got up to clap at inappropriate moments in Biden's speech, their choreographed fake applause moments out of sync with Biden's planned speech lines. Their fraud on full display.

And the odd all-brown suit V P Kamala Harris wore, that some social media poster photoshopped into a big brown M & M !
[Linked Image from thelist.com]
[Linked Image from i.pinimg.com]

Another disturbing but funny moment was when Biden cluelessly referred to Ukrainians as "Iranians".
Kamala Harris , sitting behind Biden alongside Pelosi, visibly cringed and appeared to silently mouth "oh no" as Biden said it.

. When the White House posted video of Biden's speech on their website, they cropped that section of the video so that Harris's face was not visible. Biden's Ministry of Truth at work, airbrushing that detail out of history.
Biden's weird angry shouting, drifting from one disjointed random sentence to the next, the stuttering. Whopper statement after whopper statement that was clearly opposite the actual truth... it was uncomfortable to watch from start to finish. It would be outrageously funny, if the stakes were not so serious for the nation. And for the world.