
About 2 months ago now, but these remarks by Kamala Harris for me are a prime example of the ineffectiveness and lack of substance of not just of Kamala Harris, but of the entire Biden administration.


Originally Posted by Vice President Kamala Harris, during interview by NBC reporter Craig Melvin
“It is time for us to do what we have been doing. And that time is every day. Every day it is time for us to agree that there are things and tools that are available to us to slow this thing down”

One generally has to crack open a fortune cookie to read something that pseudo-philosophical and utterly meaningless.

Pete Buttigeig also makes similar profound-sounding but ultimately meaningless word-salad type comments all the time.
When he's not just being insultingly elitist and out of touch in his comments, from his Soviet apparatchik seat of entitlement:


It underscores that the Biden administration as a whole has no plan, is hiding behind meaningless and obviously untrue public comments, in the absence of any plan or actual substance.
Oh... AND they clearly hate America.
To them, America is the problem, and its economic independence, energy independence, and strong military are all intentionally being destroyed, to make us all subservient to the planned globalist/socialist government. To them, the United States is the problem that has to be destroyed. And terrifyingly, these Democrat Bolsheviks are running the government, have absolute control of the country they want to destroy. With the Democrat-occupied IRS, FBI, and other intelligence agencies and federal law enforcement branches eagerly doing their bidding, to help them do it. Labelling and arresting /harassing the patriots trying to save the country as "treasonous", "radical", "right-wing", and "White supremacists". And since Biden became president, a similar purge of patriots in the U.S. military, replacing them with more Democrat-Bolsheviks who will help the Democrats further consolidate power.

Led by a Joe Biden presidency that has sold out to the Russians for $3.5 million from the Moscow mayor's wife (i.e, from Putin), and another $1.5 BILLION from the Bank of China (i.e., from the Chinese Communist Party). Look up the term "elite capture". Biden is the Benedict Arnold of our time. And his Bolshevik administration.
And we're stuck with them for another 2 years and 8 months, if the nation survives that long.