Easter Bunny stops Biden from answering questions

This remains one of the most absurd and iconically symbolic events of the "Weekend at Biden's" puppet presidency.

Biden is taking orders from the EASTER BUNNY, grabbed on the shoulder and redirected elsewhere, when he begins answering the most basic of questions.

Making crystal clear that Biden is not the guy in charge. There are many examples like this, of Biden not being in charge and being redirected by others who in any other presidency would be his insignificant subordinates. THE EASTER BUNNY is directing him !

What else is there to say, how could the situation be more absurd?
We could any day be at total war with China, Russia or both, or even nuclear war (Russia has already threatened to fire on American cities), and yet... who is actually in charge? Certainly not the clueless Joe Biden. It is at once absurd and laughable, and simultaneously terrifying. This administration (whoever is actually running it) could kill us all.