
Even though it was talked about for several months, and the Bolshevik Democrat-Left tried to stoke their base through an unprecedented breach of trust: a still-unindentified Supreme Court clerk leaking an early t draft of Justice Alito's ruling 55 days in advance of the its release yesterday.
Even with all that advance leak, even with Ruth Bader Ginsberg in a 2013 interview saying long ago that Roe vs. Wade was a bad ruling that was vulnerable to being overturned, even with the Bolshevik Left's "doxing" of all 6 conservative justices' home addresses, their churches attended, their childrens' schos and daily schedules, even with an assassination attempt on Brett Kavanaugh, even with all that, I was still surprised that the U.S. Supreme Court actually, really overturned Roe vs Wade.

I could go back 20 years in my posts here and cite where I previously said that the right thing any time in the last 50 years would have been to not have a 1973 Roe vs. Wade U.S. Supreme Court mandate that forced a Federal abortion mandate uniformly across all 50 states. That it would have been better if states each had the right to determine by the beliefs of those in their own individual states, what their acceptable availability or limitations or complete ban on abortion would be. And if someone wanted an abortion in a state where not allowed, they could easily still drive a few hours and get the same procedure in a neighboring state with a different sense of what they permit as acceptable.

And then now, the U.S. Supreme Court has overturned Roe vs. Wade, removed themselves from the equation, and turned that decision over to the 50 individual states, to determine abortion law that is representative and acceptable to the individual populations in each of those 50 states.
As it should have been done in the first place, if not for that 1973 judicial fiat without legal precedent, the court's authoritarian leftist over-reach.
50 years late, but wow, I was not sure this would ever actually happen.

Score one for the good guys.

And the Supreme Court overturning the New York state gun restriction laws just the day before! A very good week.

Predictably, the above linked notoriously left-leaning Wikipedia spins their account of the event in perfect coordination with the lying talking points of the Democrat party leadership, and with the overwhelmingly liberal media.
Hey, it isn't that the strict constructionist conservative majority (who actually care about what the Constitution says) and rightly cited that there is no guarantee of abortion in the Constitution, no constitutional right to abortion. It isn't that these conservative justices have great respect for the Costitution and constiututional rule of law, that compelled them to correct the 1973 court ruling, and give that authority back to the states.
It isn't that even many liberal legal minds have also cited the bad law of Roe vs. Wade, that is indefensible and has long been subject to being overturned, just as was slavery, or Plessy vs Ferguson, or Brown vs. the Board of Education.
That even Ruth Bader Ginsberg saw it as bad law and foresaw this overturn of Roe vs Wade coming.

No, NO !
It's just that these bad ol' *right wing* justices conspired to do this against the legal facts, deceived Senators to get nominated, and then snuck this overturn ruling by them !

Quite the contrary, the bad precedent was in 1973, and this just and far more Constitution-cited ruling is a long overdue correction that balances the law as it should have been in the first place, finally, after 50 years. Not that George Orwell's Wikipedia site, or the Newspeak media, or the Democrat-Bolshevik party will ever report it that way.

Beautiful irony is that the Democrats and their Soviet trial-like "January 6th Select Committee" were for months and just yesterday bemoaning the threat to Democracy of protesters on January 6th 2021, and of the broader threat of former President Trump and his 74.3 million supporters in 2020, who are dismissed as "dangerous right wing white racist white supremacist extremists"... and just a day later these same Democrat morons are themselves calling for insurrection, for banning the Supreme Court, expanding and packing the Supreme Court, for riots and intimidation in cities nationwide, for intimidating and/or assassinating Supreme Court justices in their homes and churches.

Oh yes !
These great Democrat leaders, who cheer on Black Lives Matter and Antifa. NATIONAL DEMOCRAT LEADERS such as Kamala Harris, who set up legal funds directly funded bailing out the worst violent marxist BLM and Antifa thugs, so they could go right back out and loot and burn and violently attack federal agents. Demcorat leaders, who when statues of Washington and Lincoln and Jefferson were torn down, burned, urinated on, thrown in rivers, they (Nancy Pelosi) callously said "I don't care about statues."
As their supporters spray-paainted hammer and sickles on the status they tore down.

These Democrats who for decades have worshipped Saul Alinsky, Che Gueverra, Fidel Castro, the Sandinistas in Nicaragua, who have lavisshed prais on the Soviet Union and China, who have praised every tyrannical communist state of the last century, even as they simultaneously curse the United States as evil and racist and inherently unfair. Who endorse critical race theory indoctrination in our military, even as they gut the military from within, even as they purge the military of patriotic Republican officers who merely expressed political support of President Trump on social media.

Oh yes!
These great Democrats are the TRUE defenders of our Democracy! Even as they, while serving in the Obama administration openly quoted and praised Mao Tse Tung (as said by Obama communications director Anita Dunn, and on another occasion transportation czar Ron Bloom). Who praised communist dictator Hugo Chaves (praised by Obama's FCC diversity czar Mark Lloyd, who called Chaves' communist state takeover of Venezuela's media "very effective, and a good model to follow" .)
Others, I forget.
Gee, you might think that these Democrat-Bolshevik communists are the true threat, and not the Trump-supporting right wing white-supremacist insurrectionists!
It's SO LUCKY we have this overwhelmingly Democrat-lockstep media to re-interpret the facts and tell us what the truth is. We might think that, among other things, this Supreme Court overturn of Roe vs. Wade was actually just and good for us !

It's SO GREAT that we have the Democrat-leftist media to selectively report these facts, to present us with the narrative that explains how REALLY GOOD FOR US the Democrat party really is !

It's so lucky that the liberal media is in complete lockstep with the Democrats, to keep us from being confused by skyrocketing gas prices, 8.4% inflation in just 18 months, millions of illegal immigrants pouring in with no vetting for diseases of criminal history, a war in Ukraine that never would have been attempted by Russia if Trump were still president. Supply chain disruptions and shortages. A collapse in Afghanistan, $85 billion in U.S. military equipment left there, giving the Taliban a larger air force than Australia, and U.S. military technology the Taliban could give to the Russians and the Chinese to eliminate our military superiority. Thousands of Americans still left behind in Afghanistan, even a year after the collapse.

It's SO GOOD we have the liberal media to downplay these failures and tell us what's really important!
Like abortion in the 9th month and partial birth abortions, critical race theory, a transgender-friendly military, preferred pronouns, EQUITY instead of actual justice, the dangers of white privelege, and all that other good stuff.
So much better than actual facts and information.
Thanks, liberal media!