Originally Posted by iggy
Or, maybe, it isn't a veritable army of darkness but rather just a few bad apples that you happen to like.

Gee, what a shock, you don't agree with me.

I don't know specifically what you're referring to. If you're talking about the FBI and/or DOJ, that quantifiable 97% is pretty damn unanimous. And there aren't any virtuous whistleblowers coming forward to expose them. The Lois Lerner IRS harassment and audits of conservatives and of Republican and Romney donors and political consultants (I know three influential people who have been audited by the IRS just for participating in campaigns and voicing pro Tea Party rhetoric in that 2008-2012 period. )

The FBI has been weaponized by Democrats against Republicans since FDR, JFK, LBJ, Bill Clinton, Obama, and now Biden.

The FBI buried evidence and intimidated witnesses regarding Hunter Biden and Joe Biden's crimes. Seizing gun purchase paperwork Hunter lied on (a federal crime by Hunter, as was throwing the gun away in a dumpster by a school), and the FBI buried and hid Hunter Biden's laptop and its self-incriminating hard drive and the crimes documented there, crimes ranging from prostitution, human trafficking, corruption, and up to and including treason and bribes from the Russian and Chinese governments.
The FBI, rather than investigating these crimes, is burying it to protect the Bidens.
And the Clintons, and the Obamas.

The FBI has **itself** committed many crimes, forging FISA warrants, malicious prosecution, sending assets as bait (pretending to be Russian nationals selling Russian intelligence information) into the Trump campaign to try and entrap Trump officials, bait they didn't take the bait. In the case of Trump aide and lawyer Michael Caputo (who while never charged, his life has been destroyed over the last 5 years by FBI intimidation of all his clients) Caputo reported offers made to him to the FBI, but the FBI did nothing, because these were their own agents and assets, and they were actually disappointed he didn't take the bait. All Trump officials were found not guilty, but were tricked into perjury traps, and into taking plea bargain deals for process crimes they never committed. Or in the case of Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen, manufactured tax evasion charges for things that far preceded their ever meeting Trump. But the FBI provided the scandals to undermine Trump and assist the Demcorats: 7 TRUMP OFFICIALS ARRESTED, INDICTED AND CONVICTED OF CRIMINAL CHARGES. Cases the FBI had abandoned against each, until their resurrection provided an opportunity to smear Trump for purely political reasons.

Alaska senator Ted Stevens is another prime example, going back to 2007-2008, when the FBI basically staged a coup to deprive him of a Senate seat, smear him right before the 2008 election, and flip his seat to a Democrat candidate in 2008.
An unjust verdict overturned, but not overturned until AFTER the scandal had lost Stevens his Senate seat, and irreversibly handed that seat over to Democrats.

And similar malicious prosecution of Scooter Libby, for a crime he did not commit.
(It was assistant secretary Richard Armitage, not Libby, who publicly admitted he had unwittingly revealed Joe Wilson's wife was CIA employee Valerie Plame. NOT Libby, yet Libby remained in jail unjustly for years, until President Trump pardoned him. )
Richard Armitage was never charged or prosecuted.
In prosecuting and jailing Libby, the Democrat leadership and the Democrat-loyalist KGB-like FBI, had already gotten what they wanted: an indicted cabinet member that politically damaged the George W. Bush white house, sliming W.Bush with a false scandal. That ultimately benefitted the Democrat-Bolshevik party.
FBI agents Comey, McCabe, Mueller and Fitzgerald were all instrumental in selling that deliberately false narrative and malicious prosecution. FBI agents --Democrat operatives-- who were still using the same FBI playbook during the Trump campaign and presidency.

The FBI similarly maliciously prosecuted executives at Enron, and at their accounting firm Arthur Andersen, the latter company was up till then the leading accounting firm in the U.S., destroyed overnight by by FBI hubris, and tens of thousands of Arthur Andersen careers and jobs and families destroyed with them. While other guilty Enron executives were rightly prosecuted, many others at both Enron and Arthur Andersen were innocent. But the FBI, just to get prosecutions, hid exculpatory evidence of these executives' innocence, and they spent years in federal prison for crimes they did not commit. And some of them died in prison, before attorney Sidney Powell proved their innocence, and the FBI and DOJ's misconduct, in a U S Supreme Court unanimous 9-0 ruling that released these men.

And for at least 20 years, the FBI, under its current familiar names (Comey, McCabe, Mueller, Fitzgerald, Weissmann, Strzok, and Page) , has similarly pursued malicious prosecution against political opponents, or in the case of regular citizens just to increase their prosecution rate. By the same FBI tactics of with-holding exculpatory evidence, FBI falsifying evidence, and FBI's calculated leaks to the press to create public pressure from Democrat political allies and the liberal media, so Democrat-loyalist FBI agents could to do exactly what they wanted to do in the first place, in selectively prosecuting these purely politically motivated cases !

And ultimately, unleashing these same operations on the entire Trump campaign and Trump white house, for SIX YEARS AND COUNTING!. The kind of U.S. federal intelligence operations used for decades in other countries, have now been unleashed internally, on the Democrat party's political opposition within the United States, so the Democrat-aligned FBI can steamroll their Bolshevik revolution right over the Republicans.
The Democrat party operates more like the Soviet Union or China than they do a party in a constitutional democracy. The Constitution is just something that gets in their way, and Democrats' posturing rhetoric giving lip service to protecting our constitutional republic is just so much lip service at this point by Democrat leaders. Democrats clearly don't believe their own words, they are socialist and outright Marxists at this point, the opposite mindset of a constitutional republic.

These are the same Democrat leaders who turn a blind eye to tearing down statues of our nation's founders, .burning them, urinating on them, spray-painting the hammer and sickle emlem of their true political faith.
These are the same Demcorat leaders who set up funds to bail Black Lives Matter and Antifa criminals, so these criminals can go right back to tearing down more statues and firebombing agents protecting federal buildings.

"People do what they do" answers Nancy Pelosi to this destruction of our nation's founding and history. "I don't care about statues."
WHO COULD SUPPORT PELOSI AND THE DEMOCRAT LEADERSHIP AFTER HER SAYING THIS?!? And yet they do, because they are Bolsheviks themselves.

Bolsheviks within the 97% Democrat-donating FBI and DOJ.
And IRS.
And State Department (then-secretary Mike Pompeo called his own State department "Democrat occupied territory", where he and Trump would issue orders, and permanent Democrat-loyalist bureaucrats within the department would undermine and stonewall and leak to prevent the administration's successful implementation of that new policy.)

And now the same Democrat-loyalist Bolsheviks have likewise taken over the CIA.
And are in the process of doing a purge of officer leadership within the U.S. military.
We all know how well that will prepare us for a war with Russia and/or China.

So... Yeah. I think I called it pretty accurately. That is what the revealed evidence over more than 20 years shows.
And really, of the authoritarian Bolshevik trends within the FBI and their ideological masters in the Democrat party, going back to at least to the years of Obama, the Clintons, LBJ, JFK, FDR, and even Woodrow Wilson. Although the FBI itself only extends back to FDR.