Originally Posted by iggy
It was an FBI agent and a Democrat appointed judge that did the leg work to exonerate Stevens posthumously. But, seriously, your whole "my people have their pecadillos, everyone else is an agent of Satan" thing is laughably what constantly undermines both your own personal growth and the confidence in you of most people who have ever read your posts here. Physician, heal thyself.

You're resorting to vindictive personal attacks again, because that's the spiteful person you are, and that's really all you've got.

You (probably deliberately) misrepresented what I said.
I said that there is a cabal of ideological fanatics who have hijacked and taken over the Democrat party (beginning in 2004), when Soros and others of the hard left used campaign finance to take over and enslave the Democrat party. The head of MoveOn.org boasting in an e-mail to other leftists at that time said: "We bought the Democrat party. We own it." And they have driven the Democrat party to increasingly fanatical new extremes every election since.
Not all Democrat elected leaders are part of this cabal, not all Democrat voters are ideologically into this, but the overwhelming power of the Bolshevik Left within their party forces them to comply.

Likewise the Democrat loyalists who dominate federal agencies. If they want to keep their jobs, if they want to advance, they have to be a Democrat-Leftist, or at least appear to be one.

That's as true in the FBI and DOJ, in the State Department, in the CIA, as it is in the IRS.
Here's a lengthy article that exposes this culture within the IRS :

Regarding the **ONE** agent in the FBI who you cite in the Ted Stevens set-up, he was not an FBI agent who was part of the initial investigation of Sen. Stevens, he was a whistleblower who exposed FBI misconduct after the fact, after the FBI successfully unseated Sen. Stevens irreversibly, an agent who probably paid a heavy price and endured a lot of punishment within the FBI for coming forward.
Likewise the State Department official, Gregory Hicks, who came forward and told the truth in the 2012 Benghazi hearings, who said in hearings he was relieved of all his previous responsibilities and assigned to a menial desk job the moment he agreed to make a full disclosure in House testimony. Where he remained after for the rest of his career.


Regarding Judge Emmett Sullivan in the Stevens case, while he did act honorably in the Stevens case, he demonstrated obscenely egregious bias toward Michael Flynn during his trial:
He's not someone I would hold up as a gleaming example of legal ethics.

The cases I cite are absolute fact. Much of this has gradually been revealed years after the fact, and in particular in the years leading up to Trump's 2016 run.
It is also an absolute fact that Republicans like John McCain, Mitt Romney, Lisa Murkowski, Susan Collins and others betray their party on crucial votes and undermine the party from within. They are at best confused in the logic of their votes.
They could be secret Democrat agents pretending to be Republicans (RINO in the truest sense).
They could have a greed motive for selling out to the Democrats in their voting, paid off by corporate donors.
Or they could even be blackmailed into cooperating. We've seen cases where the FBI was used to do this kind of intimidation of Republican political opposition back to the days of FDR's presidency, as I said above. That is absolute fact. And in every Democrat administration since. J Edgar Hoover even kept files even on on JFK and RFK, to intimidate them and blackmail them, and could have destroyed both of them at any time. Or "Filegate" in the Clinton years, and a similar attempt to gather dirt on Republicans diring the Obama years. Again: absolute fact.

I cited precise examples of this abuse of power in FBI, DOJ, IRS, State Department, CIA, and even the military leadership. Again: absolute fact.

I cited Breitbart's investigation of campaign donations by DOJ/FBI employees that were 97% for Hillary Clinton. Overwhelming Democrat loyalty within DOJ and FBI.
I'm obviously a very passionate Republican/Conservative, but even I have never felt the need to donate to a Republican candidate. Making party donations manifests a zealous level of loyalty and commitment. But 97% of all DOJ donations went to Hillary Clinton. Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, James Comey and Andrew McCabe are all prime examples of what that level of loyalty translates into, in their abuse of power to give a free pass to Hillary Clinton and other Democrats, and maliciously use their FBI power to destroy the Trump campaign and Trump presidency.

How can you deny the level of Democrat control of these agencies?
How can you deny the level of corruption in these agencies, in their own text and e-mail documented abuse of power against their identified Republican enemies? In their one-sided Democrat campaign donations, in their targeting of Republican leaders and campaign organizers and donors (again: SPECIFICALLY the IRS, DOJ and FBI ) for the stated purpose of benefitting the Democrats in elections. Not just one election, but in multiple elections over the last 20 years, at least.

I've made clear in many posts that the two-party system is basically one party, controlled by campaign finance. That is both the establishment Republicans and the establishment Democrats.
And as never more visible than during the Trump presidency, the establishment wings of both parties work together against anyone who threatens their corrupt system of mutual self-enrichment.

But the marxist-globalist ideological radicalism is new. As I said, that began in 2004.
Although the gradual creeping takeover of cultural marxism began its dominance of the Democrat party in the mid 1960's (Cloward and Piven strategy, Wade Rathke, Saul Alinsky, and Bill and Hillary Clinton who were then student radicals, The Great Society, and Vietnam anti-war movement).

Read THE SHADOW PARTY by David Horowitz and Richard Poe. The Democrat party is the chosen instrument of the marxist globalists to destroy the United States. They have a few people they trade favors with in the Republican party, and other Republicans they intimidate into submission.
Read DEATH OF THE WEST by Pat Buchanan.

But their base of operations is in the Democrat party. Together in an unholy alliance of the Democrat leadership, with the 80% leftist liberal news media, the almost 100% leftist big tech and social media, the Hollywood Left, Leftist university professors and student radicals. And their allies outside the U.S. in the globalist left movement, and those with different goals but shared anti-Americanism, such as the muslim world, India, Iran, North Korea, SOUTH Korea, and especially China. And Soros' Open Society and other NGO groups, that bore from within to diminish and crush the United States.

You imply that it's laughable and paranoid to observe a Democrat/Left seizure of federal agencies I cited above, but there are the facts and the evidence, right in front of you, that you pretend doesn't exist.
As I've said many times, liberals for 50 years have openly boasted of their plans to destroy the U.S., they've said it in videotaped public speeches and statements, in their books and articles. Why don't you believe them? It's not "laughable" or imagined, they've openly stated these goals, openly boasted at every step of their victories along the way.
The Bolshevik-Left for 50 years has openly boasted of taking over the U.S. by overwhelming it with third-world (non-white) immigration. Then when this is clearly happening even more so under Biden, suddenly the Left who have long celebrated this demographic takeover dismiss pointing out the facts as a "white replacement THEORY" conspiracy. No, that's what the Democrat/Left has been gloating about for 50 years

These and other Democrat-Bolshevik goals have been as clearly stated, for decades, as were Hitler's intentions in Mein Kampf. The Bolshevik-Left have stated their intentions for decades, and they are openly boasting of these goalposts as they reach them at each stage. Why don't you believe them?
This is their stated intent, and this is precisely what they are doing.

It's "laughable" that Democrats have taken over federal aagencies and abuse their power to advance the Democrats in elections... ?

[Linked Image from i.dailymail.co.uk]

That's the FBI in the agency leadership of Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, openly plotting to stage a coup to prevent Donald Trump from becoming president.
And then in later posts discussed creating an "insurance policy" of crippling Trump's administation with a fake "Russia Collusion" scandal, to prevent Trump from accomplishing much in his 4 years, in the event Trump might get past their praetorian firewall and become president.
But even under the weight of an endless series of FBI-orchestrated fake scandals, Russia investigations, Trump impeachments, and outright incendiary slanders (example: alleging Trump called U.S. soldiers who died at Normandy "suckers and losers") , even with all this plotting against Trump by those in his own federal agencies, he still accomplished more in his four years than any other president since at least FDR.

That's a hopeful sign.
They can slow Trump and conservatives down, but they can't defeat us. And the Democrat /Left, exposed and showing their hand, can be defeated and pushed back.

Other hopeful signs:

New York's gun control laws overturned last Thursday by the U.S. Supreme Court.
Roe vs. Wade (after 50 years !!) overturned last Friday.
And then a college football coach fired for silently praying after the game on the field, a case likewise overturned on Monday, and the college will have to re-hire him and likely pay his lost back wages. Free speech and freedom of religion restored.

Also very hopeful, consistent polls of overwhelming decline in Democrat support leading into the Nov 2022 election. 76 incumbent Democrats (so far!) who have announced they will not seek re-election (because each's own internal polls show they would not win if they did.) Like roaches in your kitchen at 2 AM, they are scrambling for cover when the light comes on and exposes them.
The left has shown their hand, and the nation is rejecting it. Even black and hispanic voters, who I thought were impossible to win over to the Republican side, are leaving the Democrat party in horror over what Biden and the Democrats have done in the last 18 months.

So there is hope, the Bolshevik wave seems to have crested, and is now receding. But I'll breathe a deep sigh of relief 24 hours after the November election, when it doesn't turn out Republicans were winning until 3 AM, and then Democrats pulled votes out of a magic hat to win the election by 8 AM.
The nationwide hostility and rejection of the Democrats in poll after poll is so high at this point, it would be a much greater strain of credibility to manufacture a similar Democrat rig of the election in 2022. But the same thing should have been true of Trump in 2020, he should have been overwhelmingly re-elected, as a president who oversaw the best economy in over 50 years. It should have been an overwhelming victory like Nixon in 1972, and Reagan in 1984, or the Gingrich revolution in 1994.
Trump **DID** win in 2020, but the scoreboard was rigged to say otherwise.
The evidence, and the pushback and intimidation by Democrats at any attempt to even discuss the evidence of 2020 election fraud, makes clear there is plenty they want to hide.