
The "January 6th Select Committee" hearings, a k a Trump impeachment 3

The hyper partisanship, where there aren't even ACTUAL Republicans House leaders permitted who would ask real questions and cross-examination (such as Rep. Jim Jordan, and Rep. Jim Banks).

So what we have instead are these completely unserious Soviet style show-trial hearings, where only one side is presented, and there is no debate or cross examination of the witnesses or evidence. It's an infomercial for the 2022 Democrats in the mid term election, and a desperate final attempt to discredit Donald Trump, to try and prevent him from winning a second term in 2024. The fake Republicans Rep. Liz Cheney and Rep Adam Kinzinger are despised by the voters in their districts. Cheney will be defeated, and Kinzinger isn't even running for re-election.
I think both of them are campaigning to become CNN or MSNBC consultants.

Yesterday was, I think, day 7 of hearings, and in the last poll I saw, NO ONE is watching. Even re-runs of cooking shows are getting more viewers. It is clearly one-sided partisan propaganda, and even Democrat loyalists must be bored watching this repetitive garbage.

Jesse Watters: Cassidy Hutchinson wasn't even in the car

This 26 year-old assistant to then chief of staff Mark Meadows, named Cassidy Hutchinson, was gushed over by the leftist media for her "courage" and "service to the nation" in allegedly exposing "the truth" about Trump. Less than an hour after she testified (just like every other anti-Trump partisan media "bombshell" ) her credibility was completely discredited when 2 Secret Service agents wanted to testify what she said of Trump allegedly grabbing the steering wheel of the "Beast" SUV used to transport the president, and the account that he threw a tantrum and assaulted the agents, was absolutely fabricated and untrue. The agents have already said it was untrue, but want a chance to refute this with equal time in televised hearings.
Cassidy also said she wrote a note to her boss in the White House. But the actual writer of the note came forward and said he wrote it, and that it is clearly in his handwriting, not hers.

So score another failure by the Democrat-Bolsheviks, and their allies in the media. Every time the media releases one of these "bombshells" exposing Trump, EVERY SINGLE TIME, it is exposed as substandard half-baked reporting, and is contradicted by the true facts that prove the first narrative false within 24 hours. The committee did not prepare Cassidy Hutchinson, they did not vet and verify her testimony before putting her on the stand. And now they look like idiots because it is exposed as completely false by those who were ACTUALLY THERE, as opposed to her third-person hearsay and fabricated lies. Further exposing the "January 6th Select Committee" for the partisan idiots they are. They can't even manufacture a halfway credible false narrative, let alone actually pursue the truth.

If they had ANY interest in the truth, they would focus on:

1) The at least 20 "un-indicted co-conspirators" [i.e., undercover FBI operatives] disguised as Trump supporters, who tried to stoke the mob into violence, were among the worst offenders, and yet the peaceful demonstrators were all arrested and kept imprisoned for the last 18 months and counting, while these "un-indicted co-conspirators" are still unindenified, unarrested, and walking around free. Actually taken off the FBI's website days after January 6th.
Also the "Antifa Salt Lake City" group of John Earle Sullivan and the roughly 20 people with him in all their videos, ALSO disguised as Trump supporters, ALSO committing and stoking violence to frame Trump supporters. Sullivan's group was at the center of things when Ashley Babbitt was shot, they actually videotaped it from 2 different angles, that Sullivan posted all over the internet.
Of the 600 or so who entered the Capitol building, only about 60 were involved in vandalism or violence (about 20 of them FBI, and about 20 of them John Earle Sullivn's group.). How about pursuing THE ACTUAL orchestrators of the violence, and the fact that the majority of them were not Trump supporters. That by all appearances, by both Antifa and the FBI, groups hostile to Trump supporters who were trying to manufacture an insurrection to frame Trump supporters. But that Trump supporters except for a tiny handful out of over 100,000 "peaceful and patriotic" demonstrators wanted no part of the violence these fake Trump supporters were trying to sell.

2) There were 5 people who died that day, including officer Brian Sicknick who died of a stroke, not from violence by the mob. The DC coroner's office autopsy identified the cause of death as a stroke.
No interest by the "January 6th Select Committee" (they are quite kind to themselves) in the unexplained death of Ashley Babbitt, shot to death by a DC police detective, that there is not even an effort to explain as justified. In any other police department, this would be an unjustifiable use of force, and the detective would be up on criminal charges and imprisoned.
The three others were officially labelled a heart attack, a stroke (both men in their 50's in fragile health, with previously diagnosed and treated fragile conditions) and a 34 year old female who allegedly died of a drug-related seizure. But all three are also alleged to have died from excessive force by police. The to men were in a crowd of peaceful demonstrators, far away from the violence, but the DC police fired concussion grenades into a peaceful crowd just to harass them, and the 34 year old female allegedly was sprayed over and over with pepper spray by DC police until she had a seizure. A "Select Committee" would be interested in justice in seeking justice and full disclosure for those who died, and in disclosure that would exonerate the officers. If they had the slightest interest in the truth.

3) They would give the slightest mention and exploration to the fact that President Trump days in advance ordered up to 20,000 National Guard troops to secure the protest grounds and avoid any potential for violence. A rather odd request, from a president who allegedly orchestrated and caused the "insurrection", which was actually some minor rioting with no permanent damage. There would be subpoena of the Sergeant at Arms of the House, and the Sergeant at Arms of the Senate, and of their email correspondence with Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi on why they declined the guards who would have prevented any unrest that day.
There would be some serious question of whether Schumer and Pelosi are truly the ones who caused the violence that Trump actually tried to prevent.

4) There would be FULL disclosure of what Trump ACTUALLY said in his 71-minute speech on January 6th, how he exhorted his supporters to "march over to the capitol and peacefully and patriotically let your voices be heard" in supporting House and Senate republicans who were legally disputing the authenticity of the contested electoral votes. That not just in his speech, but in Twitter posts every 20 or 30 minutes throughout the afternoon he advised his supporters to "remain peaceful!"

5) That the rioting began at 12:40 PM, while Trump was still giving his speech from 12 noon to 1:11 PM. His supporters all waited till after Trump finished his speech, then took a 30-minute walk over to the Capitol building. Trump was originally scheduled to speak from 11 AM to 12:11 PM. So if the "at least 20" FBI "unindicted co-conspirator" false-flag agents were trying to frame Trump supporters, the 12:40 timeline to begin violence (Trump would have finished speaking at 12:11, after walking 30 minutes the rioting would have begun in a logical timeline) at the Capitol would have been perfect. But it wasn't. It makes clear these were false-flag rioters who didn't even wait for the end of Trump's speech.

There have been seven whole days of "January 6th Select Committee" hearings, and yet none of these issues was ever acknowledged or discussed.