Originally Posted by iggy
You sharing anything about others being angry when you are non-stop vitriol toward anyone that doesn't share your belief system is some delicious dissonance.

I don't post "vitriol", I post sourced facts, that you try to PORTRAY as "vitriol".
Your incessant personal insults and slander are the only vitriol here.

Nice job ignoring the facts I presented, in favor of personal insults directed at me.

Tucker Carlson objectively compared what has occurred for decades in Brazil, of the majority party routinely putting their political opposition in jail, with cited specific examples of a dozen Republican citizens and political candidates getting the same treatment by the Democrat-Bolshevik party in the United States over the last 18 months since Biden was inaugurated. Not even mentioning the 1,300 January 6th protesters in federal prison in the worst of conditions, guilty of nothing more than peacefully protesting or at most peacefully "trespassing" in or around the Capitol that day.
Even as Merrick Garland's weaponized DOJ and FBI imprison these peaceful Trump supporters, the DOJ sets free and drops the cases against BLM and Antifa and other Democrats who threw Molotov cocktails into police cars, or tried to light cops on fire with other incendiary devices. A clear and obscene double-standard.

And Tucker Carlson's show is currently the most watched program nightly on cable television, and has been for several years.
So obviously many others share my perspective of what is occurring. My "vitriol", if it even were that and not just the cited facts they truly are, is the majority opinion.