Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
And Tucker Carlson's show is currently the most watched program nightly on cable television, and has been for several years.
So obviously many others share my perspective of what is occurring. My "vitriol", if it even were that and not just the cited facts they truly are, is the majority opinion.

Breaking: Wondy would jump off a bridge if everyone else was doing it. Shocker, I know. tongue

Popularity no more proves the truthfullness of something than it being unpopular. But, you face an even bigger problem. You call pretty much anything not right of FNC a part of the corrupt liberal media. Those outlets combined (including the networks) crush FNC viewership. Clearly, "liberal media" is more popular than...::channels inner George Carlin:: Tucker.

This, of course, leads to your other problem. Tucker's current viewership is around 3 million and in election years he may hit around five million. That's nowhere near the majority of people in the fucking United States. Assuming two voting age people per household and you still don't even have five percent of the voting age population.

Yes, it is a fact that Tucker leads the ratings in cable news...but that doesn't really mean that much. This is your problem. You make mountains out of molehills and construe facts to fit you narrative. This is why I will never engage you beyond giving you shit that matches your shit narrative...because you don't deal honestly and then accuse everyone else of doing that which you are guilty of. And, yes, you do it loaded to the teeth with vitriol toward those you assume to be able to value as evil. You do exactly what you promote as others you don't like doing with the quote in your sig line. So, please, take your bad faith interpretation of minor facts and go suck a fucking dick.

Oh, and lest I forget, Trump lost fair and square.