Originally Posted by iggy
Yes. Or, at least, not enough good evidence to even file a suit with merit. Your guy lost to a dude with dementia. Cope.

Originally Posted by Iggy
Nya nya nya, you're a poopy face, fuck you, fuck your mother, doofus, asshat, etc, etc.

A rigged system refused to hear the cases presented. John Roberts even prevented the U.S. Supreme Court from hearing the case, the same way he refused to rule the Obamacare legislation unconstitutional, even though it was. There are a lot of judges, Senators, House members and state members who are intimidated from doing the right thing and challenging the obviously fraudulent election.

Your guy is quite apparently a dude with dimentia, yes. And Biden is a perfect grandfatherly puppet for the Bolsheviks who actually run the White House to ram through their agenda. There are so many counties where there are more people who voted Democrat than there are actual people! One mathemetician who gave testimony showed that the 2020 election was rigged with a computer algorithm, that actual voting could never be that consistent across all counties of a state. Where the population actually in some regions declined over 4 years, so the voters in the 2020 election in those places actually exceeded the registered voters. Because they were using the previous election data to rig the algorithm, not the current population data ! Democrats rigging the election also researched who were registered and usually don't vote, and filled out fake ballots for Biden in their names. So when some of these people went in to vote on election day, they were told that they couldn't vote because the state already received a mail-in ballot in their name.

Democrats also filled in ballots for people in nursing homes and voted despite they were not lucid enough to vote.
Democrats also took the names of people who had moved out of state, and either mailed in fake ballots or had impersonators come in an vote in their name.
Democrats also had people from other states register and use fake addresses that didn't really exist. As Peter Navarro said in the Navarro Report (linked above) those votes in previous elections with fake addresses and no signature or a not-matching signature would in any previous election been thrown out. But were oddly counted in the 2020 election. And if excluded as they should have been, these alone would have overturned all 6 contested states to having Trump remain the winner.

AGAIN: till 3AM, Trump was winning on election night in all 6 states. It was only after the election vote counting was "suspended" on election night simultaneously in 7 states (WHICH HAS NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE IN ANY PREVIOUS PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION) that Biden conspicuously spiked in the 6 contested states and "won" by 8 AM. It was highly suspicious to me that North Carolina, where Trump was always ahead, took about 2 weeks to finally reveal the final count. They stopped the vote count so the Democrats could count how far ahead Trump was, then manufactured the fake ballots needed to give Biden a narrow win in each state. Despite that North Carolina was always in the lead for Trump, I think they kept North Carolina's count in limbo so that if needed, they could manufacture another "miracle" victory for Biden in NC.

What presidential election can you recall where you didn't know the election count by 8 AM the next morning. I've been old enough to watch and understand elections since 1976, and usually the outcome is clear by 8 or 9 PM on election night. In the case of a really close election it might not be called till 2 or 4 in the morning, and in all 11 previous elections I've observed, the morning papers and the broadcast media have pretty much an exact count by 8 AM. This election, which wasn't the closest I've seen, literally took WEEKS for these contested states to count and disclose the final numbers. That is a clear and alarming irregularity, that manifests corruption and manipulation of the election system. Add to that the Republican vote observers prevented from seeing the votes counted, in 6 states, AT PRECISELY THE TIME THESE ELECTIONS FLIPPED OVER TO A BIDEN VICTORY.
No way.
There's absolutely no way that was legitimate.
That's precisely how an election in Venezuela (which uses Dominion voting systems, by the way) conducts an election. They stop the counting, figure out how far ahead the undesired candidate is, then they create the needed ballots to give their Bolshevik candidate of choice the win.

If you don't see the massive alignment of irregularities, combined with Biden's complete inability to campaign in 2020, to even finish a sentence, that he was incapable of drawing a crowd of 50 or 100 people at any rally, as contrasted with Trump who to every rally drew tens of thousands, often more than the stadiums Trump appeared in could accommodate, larger crowds than any previous candidate, then there really is no hope for you.
Trump had achievements that (as I just linked above) exceeded Reagan's accomplishments before the 1984 election, so he should have won in an overwhelming landslide comparable to Reagan's. If Biden had been a more inspiring candidate that could rally crowds, if he was consistently winning all night, I would believe it. Obama in 2008 was believable. But when Trump was winning all night, and Biden was losing all night, and then Biden only miraculously had a surge when all the Republican vote observers were deceived into going home... no.
It's not the slightest bit believable.
Or believable that no judges or political leaders, or very few, would challenge it over the last 20 months or so. It looks like authoritarian messaging, and intimidation of those who would legally challenge it.