Originally Posted by Wonder Boy

Tucker Carlson: Why are they so angry? - June 29, 2022, Wednesday

A warning of the political persecution common in Brazil, that we are increasingly seeing in the United States under Democrt-Bolshevik rule. A list of arrests of Americans over the last 18 months, many of them journalists, or Republican candidates or staffers, who committed no crime, but were politically inconvenient or embarassing to the Biden administration.

As in the case of many I cited in previous posts, the FBI arrested Republicans running for office, many of them in the lead, but the arrest and headlines created an air of scandal that made them lose, and allowed Democrat candidates to win instead. Giving victory to the Democrat party that 97% of FBI and DOJ donate their political contributions to. What an amazing coincidence.

Gee, why would state and federal judges, or even Senate and House members, or former cabinet members, be afraid to voice a legal challenge to the Biden 2020 election steal?

Maybe they could ask the dozen or so people Tucker Carlson cited, who were arrested by the Democrat Bolshevik party's KGB --oh, excuse me, I mean FBI.
The Democrat-weaponized FBI.

Maybe the judges who said everything is OK with the election, who are presumably smarter than most, to get those Ivy League degrees and join the elite in the first place, saw what was coming and didn't want to join guys like these above named FBI-arrested people, and Paul Manafort, Rick Gates, Carter Page, Michael Flynn, George Pappadapoulos, Roger Stone, and now Peter Navarro. Maybe they decided it was better to just go along with the fraud, and keep their high positions and homes, and not be escorted out of a public place in leg irons and have to sell their homes to pay for their legal defense.

Or risk ending up like the 1,300 or so January 6th peaceful protesters / "criminal trespassers", detained in federal prison cells indefinitely, where they can no longer work and earn income, and are having their homes that they spent a lifetime earning foreclosed, and their savings bankrupted. While BLM and Antifa molotov-cocktail throwers have FBI / DOJ cases dismissed and are set loose to run free.
Those scary trespassers are so much more dangerous!
Maybe judges and legislators got the message early on, and just let it ride rather than be destroyed too, in a cell next to Peter Navarro.
Not the most courageous choice, but easier.