Originally Posted by iggy
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
AGAIN: till 3AM, Trump was winning on election night in all 6 states. It was only after the election vote counting was "suspended" on election night simultaneously in 7 states (WHICH HAS NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE IN ANY PREVIOUS PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION) that Biden conspicuously spiked in the 6 contested states and "won" by 8 AM. It was highly suspicious to me that North Carolina, where Trump was always ahead, took about 2 weeks to finally reveal the final count. They stopped the vote count so the Democrats could count [how] far ahead Trump was, then manufactured the fake ballots needed to give Biden a narrow win in each state. Despite that North Carolina was always in the lead for Trump, I think they held it in reserve so that if the ballots [were] needed for a Biden win, they kept North Carolina's count in limbo so they could manufacture another "miracle" victory for Biden in NC if needed.

In-person was always going to be for Trump and Mail-in was going to lean heavily Biden. Everyone knew that going into the election. You are pounding sand that so many people chose to vote mail-in during a pandemic that it allowed Biden to close the gap. Sucks for you and your guy, but that's what happened. You give it all away with your freak out about the election in NC. The rules said they had until the Friday after to be recieved so long as postmarked by Election Day. Do I think they were a little overly cautious in calling it? Sure, but I don't need a huge as conspiracy to explain why they were cautious. You, on the other hand, take the delay and construe it to fit your insane conspiracy theory without missing a beat, you cultist ape.

Mail-in votes are supposed to be counted in advance, and in every previous election, the mail-in ballots in every previous presidential election were always counted and re-counted by 8 AM the morning after the election.
The suspending of the vote count simultaneously across 7 states, combined with the sending home of all Republican vote observers, combined with only Democrats there to count votes after 3 AM, combined with Trump being ahead before then and suddenly after a spike in Biden votes and a narrow Biden victory, combined with many other irregularities never seen before, point to obvious election fraud. Highly suspicious, that all those Biden votes stacked up when there were only Democrats there to observe them. And that the advance ballots counted up til then didn't manifest the same rate of votes for Biden.

See the book RIGGED by Mollie Hemingway.
See the documentary "2000 MULES" by Dinesh D'Souza.

You are ignoring the overwhelming evidence of election fraud, to cling to some very unlikely unexplained and improbable spikes in votes for Biden in all 6 contested states.
Suspending the vote on election night in 7 states.
Dismissing the Republican observers on election night.
Democrats only are counting, when a surge in Biden votes magically occurs to give Biden the win.
Demographics of that surge in Biden votes, that make absolutely no sense in comparison with registered voters in those regions, or in comparison with data of prior elections.