Seriously, you have a whole fucking internet at your disposal and only need google to get the fucking job done.

Learn to pronounce
a long speech or piece of writing, typically one regarded as tedious.
"her criticism appeared in the form of screeds in a local film magazine"
a leveled layer of material (e.g., cement) applied to a floor or other surface.
level (a floor or layer of concrete) with a straight edge using a back and forth motion while moving across the surface.

Also, a number of states don't allow mail-in to be counted until election or changed their laws before the election to not allow them to be counted until election day. Pivotal states like Pennsylvania, NC, and Michigan are among those. Again, there is a whole fucking internet out there to look at and find this shit out rather than expecting all your "facts" to come from right-wing propaganda outfits that want to conflate processing with counting.

He lost. Fucking deal with it, you cultist.

But, please, continue to try to make small data points into a massive conspiracy to cover for the fact you picked a loser that took losing so badly as to try to foment a coup.