Originally Posted by iggy
Cry harder, conspiracy loser. He lost. You lost. GOP wins in November will be in spite of him so long as enough are able to keep some sunlight between themselves and him. He is a damaged goods loser trying to remain relevant as DeSantis and others start to deliver elements of Trumpism without Trump. Trumpers will do great in red states where the GOP would [win] anyway and so it will be all autoerotic asphyxiation and self-fellation about "getting rid of RINOs."

Lastly, the fucking world was shut down in 2020 and there was a shortage of tp (among other things and self-inflicted or not). That's what people thought about in 2020. They didn't think anything about the economy in 2018, you waste of a sperm and egg. Hence, loser losing...bigly.

Translated from the language the infants speak on Planet Iggy:

Originally Posted by Iggy
cry panic Nyah nyah nyah, you're a poopy face, fuck you, fuck your mother, fascist, doofus, etc, etc. cry panic

I've explained with sources to back it up ( like the Navarro Report that for me is the best of all. )
Also, Mollie Hemingway's book RIGGED.
And D'Souza's 2000 Mules documentary.
All of which --and many more sources I already linked and cited-- expose your "no proof" narrative as false.
There is plenty of proof.

And you allege that Trump can't win in 2024. Those would be the same pollsters who said Trump couldn't win in 2016?
The same liberal pollsters who said Michael Dukakis would win by 17 points in 1988?
The polls are ALWAYS sampled in the Democrats' favor, so as to to sell us on the inevitability of a Dukakis or a John Kerry or a Hillary or a Joe Biden victory. A form of psychological warfare on Republican voters every cycle, selling us on the Democrat candidate being just too popular, and just to give in to it.

And as I've said repeatedly, but the wood on your head is too thick, Trump was again winning on election night 2020, until SEVEN ENTIRE STATES VERY SUSPICIOUSLY SUSPENDED THE VOTE COUNT FOR THE FIRST TIME IN PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION HISTORY.
And then, with all Republican vote observers by deception sent home for the night, Biden suddenly soared ahead between 3 AM and 8 AM with a highly unlikely 96% or more of the votes in that period going to Biden, very suddenly, and ONLY in the complete absence of Republican observers who were, in multiple states, tricked into leaving. That is election fraud pure and simple. And Trump was winning in all those states until the ballot-counting shutdown.

Except it WASN'T shut down, was it? It was only shut down for Republican observers, so that Democrats IN SEVEN STATES simultaneously, could just run wild and engage in an orgy of cheating in those few hours. And then very organized fake ballots mailed in from God knows where the two week period after. Pouring in from multiple streams.
The dead somehow rising to vote Democrat.
People who had moved out of state some how came back to vote Democrat,.
People registered who normally didn't vote (who when they showed up to vote were told they couldn't because someone already mailed in a Biden ballot in their name, tens of thousands like that).
People in nursing homes who had no cognitive ability to vote, whose relatives after the fact said there's absolutely no way their relatives could have voted.
People traveling into states with fake names and fake addresses, all voting for Biden.
Multiple streams of election fraud, pure and simple.

I like Ron DeSantis, and think he is the best governor in the 50 states. The Democrat-partisan newspapers here try to destroy him at every turn. But if he becomes the presidential candidate, the national media can be relied on to portray DeSantis as "damaged goods" too, no different than Trump.
The same as they did to Romney.
The same as they did to McCain.
The same as they did to George W. Bush.
No matter who the Republican nominee is, Democrats and their lapdog media will bloody him, no question, they have for decades now, As they consistently have ANY Republican presidential candidate for decades. If he doesn't have anything wrong in his past actions or statements, the media will just make stuff up, slander him viciously, like they always do. "Binders of women". Alleged white privilege. Harry Reid alleging he had proof of Romney committing tax evasion ( then Reid confronted after the election about lying, said with a smirk "Well, we won, didn't we?").
For the Democrat Bolsheviks and their equally Democrat-Bolshevik brethren in the news media, truth and ethics don't matter, only winning does. And it doesn't matter how clean DeSantis is, they will smear him unrelentingly. Just like they did Trump. Exactly the same.

So I prefer Trump, who has survived their artillery assaults unscathed for the last 6 years. Because Trump has already proven for four years he could govern decisively as president, and can do it again. Trump has been tested, and he can be relied on to not go soft and just end up doing what is politically expedient. DeSantis might eventually prove to have even better judgement, but he hasn't been as tested, so I'd prefer him as Trump's V P or as a 2028 candidate. Tommi Lahren, conversely, has said she thinks Trump should stand aside and let DeSantis be the 2024 candidate, because DeSantis would win by a larger margin. I'm not confident that is true. Trump **IS** the movement, he is not at tarnished as vulnerable as Democrats and the Democrat-partisan media, AND DEMOCRAT-PARTISAN POLLSTERS, would like us to believe.

Amid the first Trump impeachment, Trump said "If it were anyone but me, they'd be curled up on the floor in the fetal position, sucking their thumb, asking for their mommy." That is true of many Republicans who backed down during the impeachment, who were intimidated and wouldn't stand firm. Lindsey Graham. Mitch McConnell. Ronna McDaniel. The other Republicans who buckled after January 6th, and just gave up on the electoral challenge, and outrageously, ACTUALLY BLAMED TRUMP for the January 6th riots. Despite the "at least 20 un-indicted co-conspirators" , i.e. undercover FBI agents posing as Trump supporters, who ACTUALLY stoked the riots. And the 20 or so Antifa led by John Earle Sullivan who openly boasted ON VIDEO, that they posted on multiple sites, that they were disguised as Trump supporters and were trying to frame Trump supporters. At least 40 of the 60 violent offenders, who were NOT Trump supporters.
But many House and Senate Republicans were immediately intimidated and didn't wait for the facts, and sold Trump out. But the people, overwhelmingly, sided with Trump, not the establishment Republicans, and most of these House and Senate cowards have already been primaried out, including self-promoter opportunists Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney.