Originally Posted by iggy
You don't see the slightest disconnect between your belief this has all been proven in commercially available to the public books, movies, magazines, and other media platforms to where there is no doubt that fraud happened insanity and your everyone in the government is scared to stand for the truth idiocy? It can't bring out one brave soul to show as much intestinal fortitude as that of a man who makes large parts of his income from telling people what they want to hear, like Dinesh? You're really that fucking gullible? This is the abusive part of the cult, you cultist. But, if that's your kink...

You haven't answered the first of my points:

Originally Posted by WB
That doesn't hold up to scrutiny. Trump oversaw the greatest economic boom in over 50 years. The highest growth, surpassing that of Reagan, W. Bush, or Obama. The lowest recorded black unemployment, the lowest recorded hispanic unemployment, lowest women's unemployment.
Trump re-negotiated trade deals with virtually every international trading partner in the U.S.'s favor, Trump secured the border, Trump re-built our military. Against the establishment of both parties, Trump averted a trillion-dollar war they wanted in Iran.
On the economic growth issue alone, Trump should have won in a landslide comparable to Ronald Reagan's 49-state sweep in 1984. And Trump was doing exactly that until 3 AM on election night, when 7 states suspended the vote count simultaneously, WHICH HAS NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE IN A U.S. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION.

And only then, with multiple deceitful irregularities, did Biden overnight, with only Democrats present and no Republican observers, who had been tricked into leaving, did Biden "win". They counted the ballots to see how far ahead Trump was, and over a period of two weeks scribbled enough fake mail-in ballots to manufacture a narrow Biden victory. There is no logical demographic argument for how those votes make any sense. In many regions there are more Biden voters than actual registered voters. You just choose to ignore the evidence.

Biden was and is a laughingstock, who couldn't attract even 50 voters to a rally anywhere in the United States. There's no way Biden got more black votes than Barack Obama. There's no explanation of how blacks in other regions of the country voted less for Biden, but then, ONLY AFTER 3 AM and there were no Republican observers, did black voters in only a few key urban areas, suddenly start voting in far higher ratios for Biden, to narrowly give Biden the election.

The unprecedented election night suspension of the vote count across 7 states ALONE manifests massive organized election fraud, an unexplained breaking of the normal procedure.

Let alone states like Pennsylvania, where the Democrat governor and Democrat secretary of state slipped by executive orders that allowed mail-in ballots way past election day, bypassing Pennsylvania's state constitutional process that mandates ANY Pennsylvania election law change requires both state Senate and state House majority votes, and a further popular vote to be valid and legal. That alone disqualifies Pennsylvania's electoral votes. And similar fraudulent and orchestrated Democrat fraud, across AT LEAST the 6 contested states, and likely to some degree across all 50 states.

Just because the at least 80% liberal media is fronting propaganda for the narrative that Nov 2020 was a legitimate election, doesn't mean it actually was. There is evidence of the collective media getting the story wrong (DELIBERATELY) on any number of false narratives they are hell-bent on propping up:

  • *Hunter Biden/Joe Biden and their criminal (if not treasonous) deals with Ukraine, Russia, China, Khazakstan, and Rumania (and those are just the ones that we KNOW of).

    * the media's fronting the narrative that Covid-19 was not engineered in the Wuhan lab (Fauci's own FOIA'd e-mails show the leading scientists worldwide were telling Fauci in the first month that the virus looked engineered, the emails also show Fauci and Daszac plotting the false narrative, and thanking each other for their continuing efforts to falsify that record and protect each other. The Chinese "bat-lady" doctor defected to the U.S. and confirmed she was working on that and other Coviid type viruses for the Chinese government.

    * the media's lying narrative that election fraud didn't happen on 11-3-2020,

    * the media's lying narrative that January 6 2021 was an insurrection, the lying omission that the FBI (for example Ray Epps) had "at least 20 un-indicted co-conspirators" PRETENDING to be Trump supporters who were the ACTUAL orchestrators of the riots on Jan 6th, the lying media narrative that Covid vaccines were either effective in preventing Covid, or that the vaccinated could not after spread the virus, proven false, but the media continues to front these narratives for two years now, adding on to them daily.

And as I've posted multiple times, Sharyl Atkisson laid out quite well with an hour's worth of specific examples why the media is so zealously fronting these lies, how they have abandoned objective investigative news, in favor of activist journalism where they front the Democrat/Leftist narrative no matter what the facts are.
Mental baby food that you lap up like the partisan baby that you are.
Over and over, you prove you're completely mentally unhinged and immune to the facts.