Originally Posted by iggy
Again, see newest report from Ted Olsen and others. He lost. Deal.

Your saying that, just repeating the Democrat party line, isn't the same thing as reviewing the actual evidence.

Originally Posted by Wonder Boy

Originally Posted by Wonder Boy, Jan 20 2021
It was NOT a legal election, it's just an election where those who rigged it had powerful friends who allowed them to get away with it.

None of the state legislators or state/federal/U S supreme court judges ever actually weighed the evidence. They dismissed the case without examining the evidence using tricks like "lacks standing". They either were part of the Democrat election-rigging cabal, or were intimidated by the Democrat mob that would riot or be in their faces and protesting outside their homes and personally threatening them if they challenged it.

I've posted abundant links to the hearings in
Michigan: Col. Phil Waldron, statistical evidence of election fraud , and Hima Kolanagireddy testimony before Michigan House, election fraud , and Michigan state election hearings
Pennsylvania Rudy Giuliani testimony
Arizona Col. Phil Waldron, further evidence of electronic vote tampering and impossibilities
and Georgia 5 hours of testimony by election workers of election fraud
where the evidence was presented, and ignored.

As well as Peter Navarro's 40-page report, and the testimony and affidavits of hundreds of others.

No evidence, right.

None at all. rolleyes